NVAP Reference Guide: National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps (NAHERC)
Control and Eradication
- Brucellosis
- Johne’s Disease
- Pseudorabies (PRV)
- Tuberculosis
- Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
- Scrapie
- Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
- National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
- Avian Influenza (AI)
- Exotic Newcastle disease (END)
- Equine Disease
Animal Health Emergency Management
- Animal Health Emergency Management
- Emergency Response Structure
- National Response Framework (NRF)
- National Incident Management System (NIMS)
- National Animal Health Emergency Management System (NAHEMS)
- Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP)
- FAD Recognition and Initial Response
- National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps (NAHERC)
- Notifiable Diseases and Conditions
- WOAH and International Standards
- Cleaning and Disinfection
- Disease Surveillance
- Laboratory Submissions
Animal Movement
- Interstate Regulations
- Interstate Movement of Cattle, Horses, Swine, Sheep and Goats
- Issuing Interstate Animal Movement Documents
- International Animal Movement
- Issuing International Health Certificates (IHCs) for Live Animal Movement
- Common Problems Observed on Certificates for Live Animal Movement
Animal Identification
- Animal Identification
- Cattle Identification
- Swine Identification
- Equine Identification
- Sheep and Goat Identification
- Fowl Identification
- Compliance and Regulations
NAHERC is currently not active. Applications are no longer accepted.
When an animal health emergency occurs, an immediate response is necessary to protect both animals and people. APHIS will look to many sources to obtain veterinary personnel to help meet critical staffing needs during such an emergency.
In 2001, APHIS established the NAHERC to respond to exotic disease outbreaks and other disasters that affect livestock, poultry, companion animals, and wildlife.
The mission of the NAHERC is to support responses for animal health incidents and emergencies that affect livestock and poultry, and to support other animal health emergency responses, in the event capabilities are overwhelmed. The NAHERC currently has positions for veterinarians and animal health technicians. When activated, NAHERC members become temporary APHIS employees and are compensated in accordance with the General Service (GS) pay scale.