NVAP Reference Guide: Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan

Last Modified: March 20, 2024



Control and Eradication


Aquatic Animal

Animal Health Emergency Management

Animal Movement

Animal Identification 


The Foreign Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Plan (FAD PReP) was developed by APHIS to provide a framework for FAD preparedness and response. The FAD PReP is intended to integrate and synchronize the principles and applied systems of the NRF and the NIMS by providing outbreak goals, guidelines, strategies, and procedures for local, State, Federal, and Tribal responders in one “toolbox.” 

The FAD PReP documents include NAHEMS guidelines for general veterinary activities, disease specific response plans, industry or facility manuals aimed for industry stakeholders, standard operating procedures and checklists for planners and responders, and continuity of business plans that are “ready to go” for exercises and outbreaks.