African swine fever is a deadly pig disease that spreads rapidly and affects domestic and wild swine. While not a threat to human health, the virus could devastate America’s swine, pork industry, and food supply. Whatever pigs mean to you—your livelihood or a pet—we’re all in it together. Protect our swine and keep the disease out of the United States.
Stay Safe: Step Up Your Biosecurity
Learn About African Swine Fever

If African swine fever entered the United States, the results would economically devastate pork producers, pig farmers and anyone whose livelihood involves pigs. This would include:
- A halt in U.S. pork and pork product exports
- A drop in hog prices of up to 50 percent
- Widespread disruptions in pork production
- Job loss
- A culling of the herd
- An immediate stop movement of live swine and semen throughout the country for at least 72 hours, and more.
To protect our pigs from African swine fever, you must be alert to the signs of this deadly virus:
- High fever
- Decreased appetite and weakness
- Red blotchy skin or skin lesions
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Coughing and difficulty breathing
- Abortions or sudden death
African swine fever is a deadly pig disease that spreads fast. People can’t get it, but if even a single case came to the United States, it could devastate America’s pig population and pork industry. The USDA has created this training video to help pork producers understand the signs of African swine fever and learn about the biosecurity and control measures you can take to keep your farm and facility safe.
Join other commercial producers, veterinarians, small farmers, and pet pig owners who are banding together to protect our pigs from African swine fever. It’s a matter of livelihood and death.

Report Any Signs

Immediately report animals with any signs to State or Federal animal health officials or call USDA for appropriate testing and investigation.
Call USDA at 1-866-536-7593