STLC Scope of Studies Required
Scope of Studies Requiring Single Tier Summaries
- Prepare Individual Study Summaries for the following:
- Efficacy studies directly supporting licensure of a product
- Host animal vaccination-challenge or field efficacy studies (short-term and duration of immunity): pivotal pre-license efficacy and any subsequent studies that change claims or instructions for use
- Host animal vaccination-challenge to establish immunogenicity for the addition of new influenza subtypes in licensed products per VSM 800.111.
- Codified tests highly correlated to host animal efficacy, which the CVB allows as fulfillment of pivotal efficacy requirements for certain agents (e.g., Clostridium tetani, and select other Clostridium spp serology)
- Safety studies
- Routine field studies (VSM 800.204)
- Additional safety studies to support specific claims (e.g., safe for use in pregnant animals)
- Efficacy studies directly supporting licensure of a product
- Individual Study Summaries are typically not required for the following, unless specifically requested by the CVB:
- Reasonable expectation of efficacy for a conditional license
- Reference qualification studies that merely confirm the findings of prior pivotal efficacy
- Backpassage or shed/spread studies
- Proof-of-concept efficacy studies or studies conducted solely to fulfill requirements for foreign registration
- Component compatibility studies other than host animal vaccination-challenge (e.g., serological non-inferiority)
- Overdose safety studies
- Residue clearance studies
- Studies for products solely for official/emergency use by APHIS
- Full Individual Study Summaries are required for applicable studies submitted to the CVB on, or after January 1, 2007. Studies submitted prior to 2007 do not require a full summary, although one may be submitted voluntarily. Alternatively, a placeholder, as described in Section VI.C below, may be submitted. All product classes within the scope of single tier must have single-tier language on labeling, even if only placeholders are published on the CVB website.
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