APHIS Refreshes its Website, Prioritizing Customers and Accessibility

Press Release
Contact: APHISpress@usda.gov
WASHINGTON, April 1, 2024 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is announcing the launch of its newly updated website, redesigned to keep pace with evolving technology and better meet our stakeholders’ needs.
“Thousands of APHIS customers and stakeholders use our website daily to conduct business for trade, permits, licensing, and more,” said Dr. Mike Watson, APHIS Administrator. “Our goal is to ensure they can more easily access the information they need and that it is accessible to everyone who may be visiting the website.”
We listened to feedback from our customers and made many improvements to the website including:
- Simplified Navigation: We've revamped our menus and structure to make it easier to find information.
- Mobile-Friendly and Enhanced Accessibility: The new website is easy to navigate from any mobile device without barriers.
- Easier Access to Information Users Need: We created new funding and commenting opportunity pages for users to more easily apply or interact with us.
- Streamlined and Relevant Content: We listened to customer feedback and prioritized topics like pet travel, pest and disease information, and imports/exports to make this information more readily available.
- Bolstered Search Ability: We improved the website’s search feature to help users more quickly and easily locate information.
- Enhanced Customer Service: We have located our contact information more prominently, so users can more easily get in touch with us if they have questions.
This new site was built with customers in mind and will help all visitors to the APHIS website, whether they are traveling with pets, importing products, applying for a license, or any other type of business. Additionally, APHIS will continue to listen to feedback and make improvements to the site in the coming months.
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