NWRC Research Scientists: Dr. Stephanie A. Shwiff

Last Modified: March 11, 2024

Dr. Shwiff is the project leader of the NWRC's Economic Research of Human Wildlife Conflicts project. Her main research interests, publications and presentations involve the estimation of the economic impacts of invasive species and wildlife transmitted diseases. 

Other research includes determining the economic impact of wildlife damage management actions, determining value of natural resources, examining the economic efficiency of WS activities, and valuing wildlife caused damage, with an emphasis on the use of benefit-cost analysis and econometrics. Dr. Shwiff also hold affiliate faculty status at Colorado State University and Texas A&M University - Commerce.

Research Project

The goal of this project is to conduct economic research of human-wildlife conflicts involving damaging wildlife populations, invasive species and wildlife-transmitted diseases; and, to develop improved methodology for assessing the benefits and costs of NWRC products and WS operations.

Current Research

  • Estimating the impact of bird damage to specialty fruit crops, economic evaluation of anti-microbial resistance, valuation methods for preventing bird strikes at airports, benefit-cost analysis of oral-rabies vaccination.

International Experience

  • Mexico (vampire bats)
  • Canada (Ontario red fox rabies program)
  • United Kingdom (Costs associated with ORV vaccination and the use of immonocontraceptives)
  • Canada (Ontario raccoon rabies program)
  • Canada (Quebec raccoon rabies program)
  • Australia (Economics of invasive species damage management)
  • New Zealand (Wildlife biodiversity conservation projects)
  • China (Benefit-cost analysis, sustainable wildlife)


View Dr. Stephanie A. Shwiff's publications.


  • Ph.D., 'Currency boards for developing nations: past experiences and feasibility for future adoption', Colorado State University
  • M.S., Economics, Colorado State University
  • B.A., Economics and Environmental Conservation, University of Colorado


Stephanie Shwiff

Research Economist

National Wildlife Research Center

4101 LaPorte Ave.

Fort Collins, CO 80521