Animal Disease Traceability

Last Modified: December 02, 2024

Animal disease traceability is knowing where diseased and at-risk animals are, where they have been, and when they were there. This information is important to ensuring a rapid response when animal disease events take place.

Although animal disease traceability does not prevent disease, an efficient and accurate traceability system reduces the number of animals and response time involved in a disease investigation. This, in turn, reduces the economic impact on owners and affected communities.

APHIS is currently providing electronic ID tags at no cost through State Veterinarian Offices. Producers should check with their State Veterinarian to inquire about the availability and distribution of these tags in their State.


Overarching Goals To Increase Traceability

A comprehensive animal disease traceability system is our best protection against a devastating disease outbreak. USDA is committed to implementing a modern system that tracks animals from birth to slaughter using affordable technology that allows for quick tracing of sick and exposed animals to stop disease spread. In September 2018, USDA established four overarching goals to increase traceability. These goals are: 

  • Advance the electronic sharing of data among Federal and State animal health officials, veterinarians, and industry, including sharing basic animal disease traceability data with the Federal animal health events repository;
  • Use electronic identification tags for animals requiring individual identification in order to make the transmission of data more efficient;
  • Enhance the ability to track animals from birth to slaughter through a system that allows tracking data points to be connected; and
  • Elevate the discussion with States and industry to work toward a system where animal health certificates are electronically transmitted from private veterinarians to State animal health officials.

Traceability for Livestock Moving Interstate


View all Federally approved livestock facilities in the United States for handling of livestock pursuant to Title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

State Road Maps: Traceability Implementation Plans

The following States, Territories, and Tribal Nations are cooperators with USDA for the implementation of the Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) program. As part of the cooperative agreement with USDA, cooperators provide ADT Road Maps to reflect their long-term plan and approach for implementing the ADT. These reports are provided below.


Contact Us

For more information on the ADT program, email us at We also encourage you to contact your State animal health official to learn more about your State's traceability activities and requirements.