How Do I Find a USDA-Accredited Veterinarian To Complete My Animal's Health Certificate?

For the purposes of international travel and trade, most foreign countries require that the health certificate be issued (completed, signed, dated) by a USDA-accredited veterinarian before being endorsed (countersigned and embossed/stamped) by APHIS.
What Is a USDA-Accredited Veterinarian?
A USDA-accredited veterinarian has completed formal training from the National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) in the State(s) they are licensed to practice medicine in. Accreditation is State-specific and voluntary (not all veterinarians are accredited).
How Do I Find a USDA-Accredited Veterinarian?
- Call and ask your local veterinarian if they or another veterinarian in their practice is accredited, or if they know of someone who is.
- Contact other local veterinary practices to ask them if they have an accredited veterinarian on staff.
- Use the NVAP self-search tool for finding accredited veterinarians in your area.
- Note: Not all accredited veterinarians in your area may appear in the search since not all accredited veterinarians allow USDA-APHIS to release their information publicly.
Make sure your USDA-accredited veterinarian is accredited in the State you're seeing them in! APHIS cannot endorse your health certificate if your veterinarian is not accredited in the State where they're practicing medicine. Contact your State’s NVAP coordinator to confirm your veterinarian’s accreditation status.
NVAP Coordinator
Contact your State’s NVAP coordinator to confirm your veterinarian’s accreditation status.
Birds and Livestock
If you're traveling with or shipping birds or livestock, make sure your veterinarian has a Category II accreditation status for completion of international health certificates for birds or livestock.