Domestic Soil

Last Modified: October 16, 2024

APHIS defines domestic soil as soil from the continental United States. Soil from Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands is handled as foreign soil and is authorized movement into the continental U.S. under the provisions described for foreign soil.

APHIS restricts the interstate movement of domestic soil from areas within the continental United States that are under quarantine for various plant pests or diseases, if soil can harbor those pests or diseases. The map at the link below provides an overview of domestic quarantines that affect the movement of soil.

Federal Domestic Quarantines for Movement of Soil within the Continental United States.(PDF)

In certain cases, the movement of domestic soil from quarantined areas may be authorized under a compliance agreement established between the local APHIS office and the person or firm responsible for handling the soil. Authorized movement options vary, based on the pest of concern, the corresponding regulations in 7 CFR 301, and the purpose for moving the soil. Please contact the USDA-APHIS-PPQ State Plant Health Director in your state for further information.