NWRC Research Areas: Laboratory Support Services Unit
NWRC's Laboratory Support Services Unit (LSSU) supports the conceptualization and execution of laboratory activities prioritized by the research and operational arms of Wildlife Services.
LSSU also works with stakeholders including universities, public health departments, and the industry to develop and conduct research studies and diagnostic evaluations related to human-wildlife conflicts. Expertise in the LSSU is focused into three core areas: analytical chemistry, microbiology, and product formulation.
Contact Us
Laboratory Support Services
Jeffrey Chandler, Unit Leader
Phone: 970-266-6090
4101 LaPorte Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Aaron Phillips, Diagnostician
Steve Volker, Chemist
Ben Abbo, ChemistHayden Hamby, Formulation Chemist
Christopher Quintanal, Biological Science Technician (microbiology)
Robert Pleszewski, Biological Science Technician (microbiology)