NWRC Utah Field Station Staff: Sarah Densmore
Sarah Densmore is a biological science technician (wildlife) at the National Wildlife Research Center’s Utah Field Station.
Prior to working as an animal care technician, Sarah was a wildlife rehabilitator for small mammals, coordinated volunteers for raptor rehabilitation, and assisted with writing the 2024-2028 Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan, as well as the 2024-2033 Texas Land and Water Plan. She just completed her Master of Wildlife Science degree and is passionate about working with predators and assisting in research projects to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
Research Project
The goals of this project are to generate and disseminate ecological information related to both mammalian and avian predator management, particularly aimed at reducing conflicts with livestock, humans, and native prey species.
- M.W.S., Wildlife Science, Texas A&M University
- B.A., Psychology, Hendrix College
- B.A., Theatre Arts, Hendrix College
Sarah Densmore
Biological Science Technician (Wildlife)
Email: sarah.densmore@usda.gov
Utah Field Station
4200 S. 600 E. Cache County Rd.
Millville, UT 84326-5295
PO Box 816
Millville, UT 84326