Last Modified: March 06, 2024

Animal health officials from participating States should report monthly on the confirmed presence of NAHRS reportable diseases using the reporting criteria that are defined in the NAHRS Operation Manual and Uniform Methods & Rules. The NAHRS online reporting form also lists the reporting criteria; when you move the cursor over the information symbol on the monthly report form, a pop-up displays the reporting criteria for that disease. 

Participants should indicate “yes” or “no” for each disease on the NAHRS reportable disease list. A “yes” response indicates that at least one case of that particular disease was confirmed during that specific month. A “no” response indicates that, as far as State animal health officials are aware, no new cases of disease were confirmed in the State during that month. 

If a case fits the definitive reporting criteria, it must be included in the NAHRS monthly report. State animal health officials may use additional information to decide whether or not to report the presence of confirmed disease to the NAHRS (i.e., epidemiologic information or other laboratory tests). If a disease meets the presumptive level of diagnostics but was not tested at the definitive level, State animal health officials should use their discretion to decide if the case is valid and should be reported to NAHRS. The State chief animal health official makes the final determination on data reported to NAHRS for their State. The discretion of NAHRS reporting by State animal health officials is considered essential in the valid reporting of confirmed disease because disease testing technology and other considerations may change rapidly. 

After a designated State official approves the State monthly report, it is submitted to NAHRS through the secure NAHRS online reporting system or by email. NAHRS reporting is coordinated by the Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health within APHIS Veterinary Services.


State animal health officials are encouraged to use information from as many verifiable sources as possible to complete their monthly NAHRS reports. This may include information from State or university animal disease diagnostic laboratories, private or industry laboratories, private veterinarians, State fish or wildlife agencies, extension veterinarians, the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL), National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN), public health agencies, and other reliable sources. 

Endemic Diseases

For endemic diseases that may have both presumptive and definitive confirmation levels, States are encouraged to report a case if it meets presumptive criteria and available information indicates that it is a reportable case. As with all NAHRS reportable diseases, endemic diseases are reported only when there is a confirmed case of the disease in a State. A “no” response for an endemic disease indicates that, based on available information, there were no reports of confirmed disease presence. A “no” does not explicitly infer the endemic disease does not occur in the State. 

Disease in Wildlife or Feral Animals

The focus of NAHRS is on disease occurrences in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture. Officials may report disease information on wildlife or feral species to NAHRS and are encouraged to do so, but reporting officials should clearly state in the comments section that the disease reporting is related to wildlife or feral species. 

Adding Comments

To the extent possible, include comments that describe the level of laboratory diagnosis for positive occurrences (for example, AGID or paired sera) or that clarify reporting (for example, backyard poultry, wild species, or feral). 

Insufficient Information at the Time of Reporting

Disease occurrence should be reported when it is confirmed. Occasionally, information on disease occurrence is not available at the time a NAHRS monthly report is submitted.

You may update submitted reports in the reporting system when the information becomes available.


National Animal Health Reporting System (NAHRS) Program

APHIS, VS, Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health

Mailing Address

NAHRS Coordinator

2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. B, MS 2E6

Fort Collins, CO 80526