Export Animal Products to Malta

Last Modified: March 11, 2024

Malta is a member state of the European Union. The European Union has harmonized import requirements for certain animal origin products. For harmonized protocols please refer to the general information file for the European Union. Exporters must have their importers confirm with the appropriate Ministry of Animal Health that Malta will accept product on the appropriate EU certificate prior to shipment.

Language requirement for Certificates

Malta will accept English only certificates. They do not require English certificates to be bilingual.

Need Help Exporting Animal Products?

If you have any questions or concerns about the procedures and requirements for exporting animal products, or to obtain a zoosanitary certificate for an animal product, contact the APHIS Veterinary Services office covering the area from which the product will be exported, the area in which your office is located, or the area in which the product is manufactured.

Certificate Endorsement or Export Questions

For animal product export certificate endorsement or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Animal products: endorsement or question" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.

Facility Inspections or Questions

For animal product export facility inspection requests or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Facility Inspection" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.