U.S. Plant Quarantine Programs
The United States does not have a centralized government plant quarantine system. Instead, expert plant pathologists with proper containment facilities and approved protocols are issued permits by APHIS to manage quarantine programs for specific crops. Plants for propagation requiring quarantine, but that can not be processed elsewhere, are imported on behalf of the requestor by the USDA-APHIS Plant Germplasm Quarantine Program (PGQP) in Beltsville, MD.
Plant Quarantine Programs Regulated but not Managed by APHIS-PPQ
The programs listed below regularly import prohibited plant parts for propagation for many different requestors. Information for many of these programs is available at https://www.nationalcleanplantnetwork.org/
Citrus Quarantine Programs
- Citrus Clonal Protection Program, University of California, Riverside, CA
Permit Holder: Dr. Georgios Vidalakis - Florida Citrus Germplasm Introduction Program, Florida Dept. of Agric. & Consumer Services, Gainesville, FL
Permit Holders: Kristen Helseth and Peggy Sieburth
Grapevine Quarantine Programs
- Foundation Plant Services, University of California, Davis, CA
Permit Holder: Dr. Maher Al Rwahnih - Cornell Clean Grape Program, Cornell University, New York Agr. Exp. Station, Geneva, NY
Permit Holder: Dr. Marc Fuchs
Pome & Stone Fruit Quarantine Programs
- Clean Plant Center for Fruit Trees, Washington State University, Prosser, WA
Permit Holder: Dr. Scott Harper
Foundation Plant Services, University of California, Davis, CA - Permit Holder: Dr. Maher Al Rwahnih
Note: Pome and stone fruits released by the Canadian quarantine program in Sidney, BC or produced by the Canadian certification program can be imported into the U.S. without further federal quarantine restrictions.
Small Fruit Quarantine Programs
- Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Permit Holder: Dr. Robert Martin - Clean Plant Center for Hops, Washington State University, Prosser, WA
Permit Holder: Dr. Scott Harper
Corn, Millet and Sorghum Seed Quarantine Program
- Germplasm Introduction Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Â St. Croix, VI
Permit Holder: Adolfo Quiles, Dr. Ricardo Goenaga
Email: Ricardo.Goenaga@ars.usda.gov
Wheat Seed Quarantine Program
- National Small Grains Collection, USDA-ARS, Aberdeen, ID
Permit Holder: Dr. Harold Bockelman
Email: Harold.Bockelman@ars.usda.gov