Frequently Asked Questions: 2024 AMR Dashboard Funding Opportunity

Last Modified: May 09, 2024

USDA APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) has announced a second round of competitive funding opportunities for Antimicrobial Resistance Dashboards (AMR Dashboard). Through public-private partnerships, USDA APHIS will develop and utilize antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools to improve access to information on antimicrobial resistance in domesticated animals, including livestock, poultry, and companion animals.

Funded proposals are managed via cooperative agreements. In the 2024 AMR Dashboard funding opportunity (USDA-APHIS-10025-VSSP0000-24-0010), APHIS VS invites eligible entities to submit proposals for projects related to antimicrobial resistance dashboards.

Funding Opportunity

How much funding is available through this opportunity?

APHIS will make available up to $3.0 million in funds to support AMR Dashboard projects in 2024.

Who can apply for funds?

  • State departments of agriculture
  • Offices of the chief animal health official of a State
  • Nonprofits
  • Institutions of higher education
  • State or national livestock, poultry, or aquaculture producer organizations with direct and significant economic interest in livestock, poultry, or aquaculture production
  • State, national, allied, or regional veterinary organizations or specialty boards recognized by the American Veterinary Medical Association
  • Tribal entities

Can someone from the private sector apply?

No. However, a private sector entity may contribute to or collaborate on a proposal submitted by an eligible applicant and could be supported through a subaward or contract. The proposal should describe the necessity and added value to engage private sector collaborators to accomplish the proposed activities.

May a foreign entity apply?

No. However, a foreign entity may contribute to or collaborate on a proposal submitted by an eligible applicant and could be supported through a subaward or contract. The proposal should describe the necessity and added value to engage foreign entity collaborators to accomplish the proposed activities.

Are there limitations on what AMR Dashboard funds can be used for?

AMR Dashboard funds cannot be used for construction, promotional materials, or project activities typically supported through APHIS VS umbrella and traceability agreements. See the full funding opportunity announcement and the Guidelines for Use of Funds.

Application Information

When are applications due?

Applications must be received through ezFedGrants by May 28, 2024, 11:59 PM Eastern Time.

Where can I find application materials?

The full funding opportunity announcement, including the instructions for applicants, can be found on the ezFedGrants (eFG) website and the website by searching Funding Opportunity Number USDA-APHIS-10025-VSSP0000-24-0010.

What should I do first to apply for AMR Dashboard funds?

We urge interested applicants to complete the following activities as soon as possible: (1) register and maintain an account with the System for Award Management (SAM), (2) create a account, and (3) establish an ezFedGrants (eFG) Account. Instructions are available on the AMR Dashboard Here’s How to Get Ready Now web page

How do I apply for funds?

Applicants must submit all application materials electronically using ezFedGrants (eFG).

Can I submit more than one proposal?

Yes. An entity may contribute more than one proposal and collaborate on multiple project proposals. However, applicants should realistically consider their ability to successfully complete multiple projects in the same time frame.

I have several different proposal ideas for projects that support the 2024 funding priorities. Should I combine them into one big proposal and application package?

No. Applicants are encouraged to submit separate application packages for separate projects. This helps reviewers score each project on its individual merits and improves the likelihood of funding.

When should the project start and end? How long will I have to complete the project?

We recommend that cooperators plan for project start dates between October 1 and December 31, 2024, but flexibility may be allowed to accommodate specific project needs. A project’s duration will depend on the nature and scope of the project, but all projects are expected to be completed no later than 12 months after the start date.

Can an application submitted in the eFG system be modified or amended after it is submitted?

After the applicant’s Signatory Official signs and submits an application in eFG, it may be modified or amended in eFG before the application due date. To modify or amend an application, send an e-mail to and request that your application be “returned”. After it is returned, only the application creator can edit the application. The application must be resubmitted prior to the application deadline to be considered.

Funding Priority

What are the funding priorities?

In 2024, APHIS will only consider project proposals that clearly, directly, and strongly support one of the AMR Dashboard topics described below. Detailed information about each topic is provided in the full funding opportunity announcement; applicants are strongly encouraged to read the details about each topic before submitting their application package.

Topic 1: Develop or enhance antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools that can securely track the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistant microbes in domesticated animals.

  1. Must ensure similar confidentiality protections to the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act.
    1. Can include identifying and/or developing methods for protecting confidentiality of data.
  2. Must be able to track antimicrobial susceptibility phenotype and/or genotype of microbes over time.
  3. Can include data collection as long as data related to antimicrobial resistance and susceptibility of microbes from domesticated animals is incorporated into an antimicrobial resistance dashboard.
  4. Can include exploration of data user needs and preferences for antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools, including necessary information to be included for different audiences.
  5. Can include pilot testing antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools.

Topic 2: Maintain, expand, and utilize antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools previously developed to build an understanding of dynamics and frequencies of resistance emergence in microbial populations:

  1. Monitor trends in antimicrobial resistance patterns in microbes over time.
  2. Model antimicrobial resistance and forecast potential future antimicrobial resistance patterns.
  3. Leverage baseline findings to prioritize the detection of emerging pathogens or antimicrobial resistance profiles of greatest concern via a science and risk-based approach, both for domesticated animals and from a One Health perspective.             
  4. Explore aspects of data management for antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools.
    1. This could include data acquisition, data transfer, data flow, data storage, data aggregation, data analysis, and long-term support of dashboard tools.
  5. Evaluate performance and user applicability of existing antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools developed in Year 1.
  6. Validate data included in previously developed dashboards with external data sources.

Topic 3: Work with APHIS to develop a communication, coordination, and collaboration strategy for antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools.

  1. Must include plans for marketing and promotion of antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools.
  2. Explore incentives for participating in the antimicrobial resistance dashboard tools developed.
  3. Develop messages tailored to specific audiences.

What is the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act?

The Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act, or CIPSEA, was enacted to protect the confidentiality of information acquired from the public. For more information, visit:

Cooperative Agreement

Will AMR Dashboard agreements impact APHIS VS’ umbrella agreements or Animal Disease Traceability (ADT) agreements with States and Tribes?

No. APHIS VS’ AMR Dashboard agreements with States and Tribes will be distinct and separate from other APHIS VS agreements that are funded with appropriated funds, such as umbrella agreements with States.

What is competitive funding and how does it work in a cooperative agreement?

In the AMR Dashboard program, proposals are awarded based on a competitive process where a team of experts evaluate the merits of the proposals using pre-determined criteria. Funding is based on the merits of the proposal and application package, and recipients are not pre-determined. Final decisions are made by USDA.

When cooperative agreements are awarded through a competitive process, applicants must submit a complete and polished proposal because there is no opportunity for modifications or discussion with cooperators during the review process. After projects are selected, projects are funded through cooperative agreements, which means there will be substantial involvement between the Federal awarding agency and the recipient entity in carrying out the activity funded by the Federal award.

Is cost sharing required?


What is the limit on indirect costs (administrative costs)?

Applicants should refer to the Guidelines for Use of Funds for detailed information and guidance on calculating indirect costs for their project budget and financial plan.

Proposal Review and Notification

How are proposals reviewed and who reviews them? Who makes the final decision?

Application packages that meet the minimum eligibility criteria will be evaluated by a team of subject matter experts nominated by APHIS VS. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, reviewers may have no association with projects they are reviewing. In the event of a real or perceived conflict of interest, a reviewer shall recuse themselves as appropriate. The review team may seek counsel from additional subject-matter experts as appropriate. Proposals are scored based on the merits of the application relative to the evaluation criteria, which are listed in the funding opportunity announcement. USDA considers the review team’s recommendations in making final funding decisions.

Will partial funding of a proposal be considered?

Yes. Based on reviewer recommendations, APHIS may award less than the requested amount of funds to a project. In these cases, applicants may accept or decline the award that is offered. If applicants accept a reduced funding level, applicants will submit a revised application that addresses reviewer concerns and aligns with the lower award amount. APHIS will provide additional guidance to applicants in these situations.

When and how will I find out if my proposal is funded, and when will funds be awarded?

APHIS will publish the Spending Plan and List of Projects resulting from this funding opportunity and notify applicants of their award status promptly after the spending plan is approved by USDA. Applicants will be notified by email and through the publication of the AMR Dashboard spending plan on the USDA APHIS AMR Dashboard website. APHIS anticipates announcing awarded projects in mid-2024.

Equipment and Inventions

What happens with equipment purchased under a funded project after the project has ended?

It is VS’ intention to have Recipients retain equipment purchased through AMR Dashboard funded projects as long as the requirements and conditions set forth in 2 CFR § 200.313 and the General Terms and Conditions for APHIS Cooperative Agreements and Grants (170.5 KB) are met.

If I invent something unique with AMR Dashboard funds, who owns it when the cooperative agreement ends?

The Bayh-Dole Act, Public Law 96-517, is followed when intellectual property (IP) is developed under a federal award. Bayh-Dole allows the cooperator to take ownership of their developed IP if they elect to do so. It also permits the federal funding agency (e.g., APHIS) to retain a nonexclusive, nontransferable, irrevocable, paid-up license to use the developed technology – or have someone else use for or on behalf of the U.S. government – for government purposes.

Additional Information

Is there a website with more information?

The USDA APHIS AMR Dashboard website includes all information and links related to this funding opportunity.

Whom can applicants contact regarding questions about AMR Dashboards and the 2024 funding opportunity?

For all questions about this funding opportunity and about AMR Dashboards, please send an email to You may also contact the following APHIS VS program staff: Chelsey Shivley, AMR Coordinator,, 970-593-8132.