APHIS’ Plant Protection and Quarantine Updates Policy to Import Earthworms into the United States
On July 1, 2022, APHIS’ Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) will require all stakeholders who import earthworm species into the United States to request and obtain a PPQ 526 pest permit, and to comply with rearing and shipping requirements.
This new policy applies to all earthworm species and will help to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially harmful pests and plant and animal pathogens transmitted from imported earthworms. PPQ will only issue import permits for earthworms for environmental release in the United States from countries that are free from foot-and- mouth disease.
To apply for a PPQ 526 permit and learn about earthworm rearing and shipping requirements, visit APHIS’ Earthworms Import Permit website.
For more information, please send an email to APHIS at pest.permits@usda.gov