UPDATE: APHIS Extends Comment Period on Draft Pest Risk Assessment for the Interstate Movement of Fresh Fruit of Persian Lime from Hawaii into the Rest of the United States for Consumption
APHIS received a request to modify the entry requirements for the interstate movement of commercially produced fresh fruit of Persian lime (Citrus latifolia) for consumption from Hawaii into the rest of the United States. APHIS has prepared a draft pest risk assessment in response to this request, which describes potential quarantine pests associated with the commodity.
APHIS shares draft pest risk assessments to determine whether stakeholders have information that might lead us to revise the draft assessment before we identify pest mitigation measures and proceed with the plant commodity import approval process. The draft pest risk assessment for fresh fruit of Persian lime for consumption from Hawaii will be available for review and comment until 12 a.m. ET (12 midnight) on January 17, 2025. To view the assessment or submit comments, go to the Stakeholder Risk Assessment Consultation web page.