Notice of Availability—Finding of No Significant Impact for Supplement to the Environmental Assessment: White-Tailed Deer Damage Management in New York

Wildlife Services (WS), a program within the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), has issued a Decision and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Supplement to the 2015 Environmental Assessment (EA) titled “White-Tailed Deer Damage Management in New York,” which evaluated potential impacts to the quality of the human environment from the implementation of a deer damage management program. WS issued a Decision/FONSI on March 15, 2024, selecting to implement the proposed action alternative, which is an integrated approach using a variety of methods to reduce deer damage to agriculture, property, natural resources, and human health and safety.  WS concluded that implementation of the proposed action alternative would not have a significant impact upon the quality of the human environment based on the analyses contained in the EA, Supplement, and the associated Decision/FONSI.  

Interested parties can view the EA, Supplement, and the Decision/FONSI at 

View Docket APHIS-2015-0093 

Interested parties may also request a hard copy of the EA, Supplement, the Decision/FONSI, or all by submitting a request to:

New York Wildlife Services State Director
572 Third Avenue Extension, Suite 2
Rensselaer, NY 12144  

Include a mailing address when submitting a request by mail.