APHIS Announces Finding of No Significant Impact to Control Giant African Snail in Florida
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Decision for the Final Environmental Assessment (EA) entitled “Giant African Snail Cooperative Eradication Program in Florida.”
The EA analyzes the potential environmental effects of a cooperative program to eradicate giant African snails (Lissachatina fulica), an invasive species that impacts a variety of crops and plants, wherever they may be found. Based on the analysis contained in the EA and two comments supportive of the proposed action received during the public comment period, April 18-May 20, 2024, USDA APHIS has decided to implement the Giant African Snail Cooperative Eradication Program Alternative as described in the EA and concluded that it will not have a significant impact on the quality of the human environment.
The FONSI/Decision was signed May 29, 2024, and the EA made Final.
Anyone wishing to view the FONSI/Decision and Final EA can at www.regulations.gov by typing the title or Docket # APHIS-2024-0017 in the search bar or obtain a copy from USDA-APHIS-PPQ, 8100 NW 15th Place, Gainesville, FL 32606. For general questions concerning the Giant African Snail EA please call (352) 313-3045 or email james.w.walker@usda.gov