NAHMS Swine Studies

Last Modified: June 21, 2024

The NAHMS Swine 2021 study focused on two distinct U.S. swine populations. The Large Enterprise segment of the study took an in-depth look at swine operations with 1,000 or more pigs, and data collection took place between June 2021 and spring 2022. The Small Enterprise segment of the study concentrated on swine operations with fewer than 1,000 pigs, and data collection took place between June and July 2021.

Both segments of the Swine 2021 study will provide participants, industry, academia, trading partners, and animal health officials with valuable information on the Nation’s swine population. This information will also serve as a basis for education and research related to swine health and management.

Summary estimates from the study’s Large Enterprise segment will provide insights on how the majority of U.S. pigs are produced, their health status, and veterinary or biosecurity measures taken to maintain their health.

Summary estimates from the study’s Small Enterprise segment will reveal any changes in this more traditional part of the U.S. swine industry. Objectives of the Small Enterprise segment include estimating the use of newer husbandry technologies being adopted by smaller U.S. swine operations and providing information on the growing niche-market products these operations produce.

NAHMS has conducted six additional studies on health and management practices on U.S. swine operations: Swine 2012, Small-Enterprise Swine 2007, Swine 2006, Swine 2000, Swine Grower/Finisher 1995, and National Swine Survey 1990.

See the complete list of all NAHMS studies and related materials

Swine Studies