NAHMS Studies on Small-Scale Operations
NAHMS is planning a study on Backyard Animal Keeping that will take place in early to mid-2024. This study will produce national estimates on the percentage of households that keep poultry, goats, rabbits, and pigs.
Participants who keep any of these four species will be asked to answer questions on animal management and biosecurity practices. All participants will be asked to answer opinion questions related to backyard animal keeping as well as questions about intention to own any of the four species of interest in the future. Participants without poultry will be asked about any contact with live poultry.
A second survey will be conducted in Denver, CO, and Miami, FL, to estimate the percentage of households that keep chickens, pigs, rabbits, and goats. The survey will also examine participants’ beliefs about chicken ownership and changes in those beliefs between 2012 and 2024.
In collaboration with Colorado State University, we will also explore the relationship between food security status and backyard animal keeping.
Participants will be contacted by the study team if selected for either survey. Participation is much appreciated. This study will help to improve our knowledge about backyard animal keeping and understanding of risks for foreign animal disease transmission. Results are anticipated in late 2024.
NAHMS also conducted a study focusing on small-scale operations in 2011.
See the complete list of all NAHMS studies and related materials