NAHMS Equine Studies

Last Modified: June 27, 2024

The next NAHMS equine study, tentatively planned for 2026, will provide important information about management practices used on U.S. equine operations and will take a national, in-depth look at the industry’s most pressing health issues.

NAHMS recently completed a needs assessment survey of equine stakeholders to gather input for the 2026 study. The survey identified critical information needs regarding health and management practices used in the U.S. equine industry. See the 2024 Equine Needs Assessment Results Report.  NAHMS will publish additional information on study objectives and participating states in early 2025.

In addition, NAHMS conducted studies on health and management practices on U.S. equine operations in 2015, 2005, and 1998. NAHMS has also published epidemiological reports on EHV-1 and piroplasmosis.

See the complete list of all NAHMS studies and related materials

Equine Studies