Producer Indemnity and Compensation

Last Modified: January 29, 2025

As part of our efforts to eradicate and control foreign animal diseases, emerging diseases, and program diseases as authorized by Title 9, Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR), APHIS provides indemnity and compensation to producers to remove animals we classify as affected, suspect, or exposed to diseases of concern and to eliminate dangerous viruses from the environment.

Producer Indemnity

The VS Indemnity Table (679.47 KB) provides indemnity values for animal agricultural commodities intended to standardize the indemnification process and values across USDA programs. APHIS Veterinary Services (VS), USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA), and USDA's Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC–BC) developed a methodology to calculate and harmonize indemnity values from government or publicly available, nationally representative data sources. USDA updates and publishes the tables annually. VS is migrating to using indemnity tables to provide producers with discretionary values for indemnity purposes in lieu of conducting an independent, third-party appraisal.

APHIS has compiled resources to assist in the appraisal process. Producers are responsible for hiring and paying for an appraisal. This List of Third-Party Appraisers (770.1 KB) was originally compiled in collaboration with the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers as a resource for producers seeking an appraiser. The appraiser list is not exclusive; APHIS will accept appraisals from individuals not included on the list. Appraisals must follow the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. The Appraisal Template (43.38 KB) outlines the basic information needed. APHIS requires the information included in the template, but not the specific template.

To be added to the appraiser list or for other questions related to indemnity valuation, please contact

Producer Compensation

When a poultry facility becomes infected with avian influenza or another animal disease deemed high impact/high consequence by the Secretary of Agriculture, virus elimination is a crucial step in the recovery process. The cleaning and disinfection practices used to achieve virus elimination should be cost effective (APHIS Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Red Book (18.66 MB)).