Animal Import Centers

Last Modified: January 17, 2025

APHIS Veterinary Services operates animal import centers to help protect the United States from foreign animal diseases. During the quarantine period, imported animals (birds, poultry, equines, ruminants, swine, and certain zoo animals) are kept separate and monitored for signs of disease while we perform import testing. This helps keep U.S. animals safe while facilitating international trade and movement.

Read on for more information about our animal import centers, including photo galleries of our facilities and how to contact us.

Miami Animal Import Center

portrait of Miami Animal Import Center building surrounded by palm trees against a sunny blue sky

Opened in September 2004, the Miami Animal Import Center (MAIC) is a federally owned and operated avian import center adjacent to the Miami International Airport. We receive pet birds and shipments of commercial birds into our 3,000-square-foot facility.

The center's five rooms are equipped with separate heating and air conditioning, commercial fire sprinkler systems, and two emergency generators. The building is designed and constructed to withstand a category 5 hurricane. To prevent spread of animal diseases, MAIC is not open to the public. Employees must shower in and shower out when entering and exiting the quarantine area. 

Pet Birds

Our pet bird quarantine room contains 35 isolettes where pet birds are housed throughout their stay. Isolettes are temperature and airflow-controlled isolation/quarantine units that allow multiple birds to be quarantined within the same room. Depending on the bird size and compatibility, multiple birds can be housed together in an isolette. We have 33 small isolettes meant for smaller birds, such as parakeets, cockatiels, finches, budgies, and small parrots. We also have two larger isolettes for multiple smaller birds or larger parrots such as macaws. Each isolette is equipped with perches, ladders for climbing, and any toys that have arrived with the bird(s). 

We provide a standard diet appropriate to each bird species. If special diets are desired, they must be provided by the owner or broker. Fresh fruits and vegetables or raw meat diets entail a special handling fee.

Commercial Birds

We have four rooms to house commercial shipments of birds. The rooms are constructed of concrete and can be arranged in a wide variety of configurations, depending on the bird species and customer request. We can house birds in flight cages for group housing or in banks of cages for individual birds. Canaries, finches, pigeons, some types of poultry, and exotic species can be housed in the commercial bird rooms. Some species, such as peacocks, can congregate in open floor areas. We can also add water features to accommodate waterfowl. 

We provide a standard diet appropriate to each bird species. If special diets are desired, they must be provided by the owner or broker. 

Incineration of Debris and Waste

We have two incinerators fueled by natural gas. The incineration of debris and waste prevents the introduction and spread of animal diseases, especially foreign animal diseases, into the United States and is a critical part of biosecurity. All waste generated at MAIC is incinerated and then properly disposed of in compliance with the Miami-Dade County Environmental Resources Management and other regulations.

Our hardworking team of animal caretakers and animal health technicians is responsible for daily care of the animals. This includes food, water, cleaning, and other tasks, as well as observing the animals for any signs of illness or injury while in quarantine. In addition, we have an onsite team of veterinarians who perform daily rounds, checking on all animals for signs of diseases or other health issues. During the quarantine period, the veterinarian on duty can provide updates to importers on their animals. The employees at MAIC are happy to work with our multitude of importers to ensure each unique shipment of birds or poultry has all their care needs met.

New York Animal Import Center

portrait of New York Animal Import Center with American flag on a flagpole near entrance against backdrop of a sunny sky

The New York Animal Import Center (NYAIC) in Rock Tavern (Newburgh), NY, opened its doors in 1980, replacing an animal import center in Clifton, NJ, that had been operating since 1903. NYAIC’s location was chosen for its proximity to John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport, New York Stewart International Airport, and Newark Liberty International Airport. 

We receive birds, poultry, equines, ruminants, swine, and certain zoo animals. Located on 53 acres, NYAIC’s 16 buildings are constructed of concrete, a material that can easily be cleaned and disinfected. This makes them ideal to house and quarantine imported animals while testing them for economically devastating foreign animal diseases. Our buildings have been updated to accommodate ever-changing trends in the type of animals being imported, including penguins, flamingoes, okapi, eagles, giraffes, ostrich, and, most abundantly, horses. We pride ourselves on our adaptability while upholding APHIS' mission to protect the health and value of American agriculture and natural resources.


Many of NYAIC’s barns are versatile and can be used for different species of animals. Each barn is accessed through an alcove where employees put on and remove personal protective equipment to maintain biosecurity and prevent the spread of disease. 


We have six equine barns that can collectively house over 100 horses. Each building is enclosed, vector-protected, and temperature-controlled and contains 5 to 27 stalls. Each stall has a heater and a fan, allowing individual temperature control to accommodate each animal’s needs. 

Each equine building is self-contained to house different shipments of equines and maintain biosecurity between multiple shipments undergoing quarantine simultaneously. The stalls are standard size, with some barns having larger stalls to accommodate mares and foals or groups of foals. The larger barns have wide aisleways to allow walking exercise for horses that stay for long periods of time. 

Equine barns are primarily composed of concrete and composite wood, which can be easily cleaned and disinfected. They are also equipped with commercial fire suppression sprinkler systems. 

Large Livestock

Our large livestock barn is an 8,903-square-foot, temperature-controlled, concrete building. This building can be transformed into specialized housing via livestock paneling or temporary stalls, each with an automatic waterer. A loading dock makes it easy to unload and load livestock.

Pet Bird

This barn can house over 15 separate pet bird shipments (5 birds or less) undergoing quarantine. It contains 16 small isolettes for smaller birds such as parakeets, African greys, and budgies. The three larger isolettes can be used for multiple smaller birds or larger parrots such as macaws. 

Isolettes are temperature and airflow-controlled isolation/quarantine units that allow multiple birds to be quarantined within the same room. Each isolette is equipped with perches, ladders for climbing, and any toys that have arrived with the bird(s). 

We provide a standard diet appropriate to each bird species. If special diets are desired, they must be provided by owner or broker.

Commercial Bird

We have three types of barns for commercial birds:

  1. A waterfowl barn composed of eight stalls that can be used as a single large barn for one shipment or split by vector-protected locking doors to accommodate two separate shipments. The stalls are constructed of concrete and have pools that hold roughly 300 gallons of water. 
  2. Open space barns consist of an open area that can be configured to accommodate the species it will house. 
  3. Preassembled barns have aviaries built within them to care for finches, pigeons, and some types of raptors.

Other Buildings

Incineration of Waste

We have two high-capacity incinerators fueled by natural gas. The ability to incinerate animal bedding and other types of waste is a critical part of biosecurity and preventing the introduction and spread of diseases, especially foreign animal diseases. All waste generated at NYAIC is incinerated and then properly disposed of in compliance with the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and other regulations. 

Administration Building

This building comprises half quarantine space and half offices, a lunchroom, and locker rooms for NYAIC staff. The quarantine and staff areas are separated by locker rooms where employees shower out of quarantine to maintain biosecurity. 

We take pride in the diversity of people employed at the NYAIC. Employees include veterinarians, animal health technicians, animal caretakers, and facilities specialists. All have one common ground: their passion for animals. Many of our employees have over a decade of service with the Federal Government. 

Our hardworking team of animal caretakers and animal health technicians tend to the animals’ daily needs. This includes food, water, cleaning, and other tasks, as well as observing them for any signs of illness or injury while in quarantine. We also have an onsite team of veterinarians that performs daily checks on all animals for signs of diseases or other health issues. The employees at NYAIC are happy to work with our multitude of importers to ensure their unique shipments of animals have all their care needs met.

Contact Us

For questions about importation, quarantine, availability of space, or pricing details, contact us. We're happy to assist importers to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Miami Animal Import Center

Mailing Address:


6300 NW 36th St.

Miami, FL 33122

Port of Entry: Miami International Airport

Species Received: Pet birds and shipments of commercial birds

New York Animal Import Center

Mailing Address:

474 International Blvd.

Rock Tavern, NY 12575

Port of Entry: JFK International Airport

Species Received: Birds, poultry, equines, ruminants, swine, and certain zoo animals