NADPRP: Resources for Recipients and Cooperators

Last Modified: June 04, 2024

The following information will help NADPRP award recipients (cooperators) with common tasks and frequent questions associated with NADPRP cooperative agreements. For additional help on topics listed below or other topics related to award management, recipients may send an email to or contact the APHIS Veterinary Services Program Manager (VS PM) assigned to their cooperative agreement.

NADPRP funds may be used for outreach materials, training curricula, videos, websites, pamphlets, fliers, fact sheets, publications, and other print and media. Recipients must submit these materials to their APHIS Veterinary Services Program Manager (VS PM) for review prior to final printing or release of the product.

Recipients are encouraged to acknowledge the USDA APHIS NADPRP program in project presentations or materials by stating: This project (or exercise, brochure, etc.) was funded by USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service through the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program.

NADPRP award recipients are required to submit quarterly performance reports. These reports are due 30 days after the end of each calendar year quarter (e.g., April 30, July 31, October 31, and January 31). Recipients may reference their Award Face Sheet for more information on report due dates.

Recipients must maintain complete, accurate, and current records that disclose the Federal and non-Federal funds of the VS-sponsored project. Recipients are required to submit quarterly Federal Financial Reports (SF-425) directly in ezFedGrants (eFG). A template automatically becomes available to complete and submit this report in eFG on the last day of each quarter. Instructions for completing the SF-425 are found at Federal Financial Report | GSA

Recipients of NADPRP funded projects are required to submit claims using ezFedGrants (eFG). Common reasons for payment delays after claim submission include:

  • Overdue performance or financial reports. Claims cannot be processed in eFG when there are outstanding past due reports.
  • The APHIS VS Program Manager approval is pending.
  • Previous claims are being processed. Only one claim at a time can be processed. If more than one claim is submitted, the second claim will show ineligible until the first claim is processed and paid.

Claims should be broken down by cost category in the “Requested Amounts by Cost Element” section. This break-down should align with the cost categories in the approved Financial Plan.

ezFedGrants Reimbursement Claim Submission Job Aid - how to create, edit, certify, and submit a reimbursement claim in ezFedGrants.

Recipients may request budget shifts to NADPRP-funded projects by submitting a written request (email) to the APHIS VS Program Manager that includes the amount to be shifted, justification, cost categories affected, confirmation that original objectives have been or will be met, and applicable scope changes. The VS Program Manager and Grants Specialists will work with Recipients on next steps.

Recipients may request a one-time no cost extension of up to 12 months to complete NADPRP-funded projects. However, as stated in 2 CFR Part 200.308 (e) (2), requests for extension purely to obligate funds will be denied.

To request extensions, Recipients should submit a written request (email) to the APHIS VS Program Manager (VS PM) that includes the reason for the delay, project impact without an extension, and the new anticipated completion date. APHIS must receive the request at least 10 days before the award end date (i.e., last day of the cooperative agreement performance period), and the VS PM must approve the extension before the award end date.

If the PM approves of the extension, they forward the email stating their approval to the Grants Specialist at The Recipient prepares a new SF-424 to reflect the new end dates of the agreement marked as “Revision” to “Increase Duration” of the agreement and emails it to the Grants Specialist at After the revised SF-424 is received, the Grants Specialist amends ezFedGrants (eFG) to reflect the extension.

Recipients must continue to submit quarterly financial and performance reports through the extension period.

Recipients work with APHIS VS Program Managers to close out NADPRP-funded project. Recipients are responsible for the following close out steps:

  1. Submit outstanding past-due quarterly financial and performance reports in ezFedGrants (eFG).
  2. Submit a Final Performance Report no later than 120 days after the performance period end date. The final report should be written in past tense and describe overall project accomplishments. Final project reports may be posted to the NADPRP website.
    1. NADPRP Final Performance Report Template and Instructions (34.05 KB)
  3. Submit deliverables or products produced by the project in eFG as “other attachments”. This may include reports, plans, handouts, SOPs, presentations, articles about the project, and others.
  4. Submit the final claim for reimbursement in eFG within 120 days after the performance period end date. Claims can only be reimbursed for expenses incurred during the performance period.
  5. Submit the Final Financial Report (i.e., final SF-425) in eFG.
  6. If applicable, submit patent or invention disclosures and a final inventory of equipment.