Biotechnology Meeting Archive
Below is a list of past biotechnology meetings that APHIS has led or led in coordination with other organizations.
2023 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On November 15, 2023, Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) held its annual Stakeholder Meeting to provide highlights from fiscal year 2023, key updates and plans for fiscal year 2024, including regulatory exemptions, permitting, regulatory status reviews, and our international efforts.
- View Agenda (62.59 KB)
- View Data Snapshot Handout (684.03 KB)
- View Presentation (7.11 MB)
- View Transcript (330.95 KB)
- Watch the Meeting
2022 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On December 8, 2022, Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) held its annual Stakeholder Meeting on virtually and onsite. BRS provided updates on the implementation of the revised biotechnology regulations, including the new Regulatory Status Review and Confirmation Request processes. They also shared other fiscal year (FY) 2022 activities, including permitting, questions and answers for microbes, and international efforts, and priorities for FY 2023.
- Agenda (129.29 KB)
- 2022 eFile Update Handout (143 KB)
- Presentation (3.31 MB)
- Questions and Answers (chat box questions we were not able to get to during the meeting) (191.83 KB)
- Transcript (318.56 KB)
- Presentation
APHIS eFile Training Webinar
On March 29 - April 7, 2022, APHIS' Biotechnology Regulatory Services held a series of webinar trainings on the APHIS eFile system to show BRS applicants how to use the updated permit application functionality in APHIS eFile, which was released on March 28, 2022. Two training topics were available, including Submitting Permit Applications in APHIS eFile and Post Submission Activities.
Training Resources
2021 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On Thursday, November 18, 2021 BRS held its annual stakeholder meeting to share information on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) revised biotechnology regulations, the new electronic permitting system—APHIS eFile, a review of fiscal year 2021, and discussion of our FY 2022 priorities that support protecting plant health through the regulation of organisms developed using genetic engineering. BRS also held an optional session on APHIS eFile that will included a demo of APHIS eFile's Permitting Assistant, an overview of enhancements coming in 2022, and location requirements.
- Agenda (88.9 KB)
- Presentation (1.49 MB)
- Handouts (889.55 KB)
- Stakeholder Meeting Transcript (270.03 KB)
- Stakeholder Meeting Presentation
Regulatory Status Review Guide Webinar
On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, BRS held a webinar to provide an overview of the draft Regulatory Status Review (RSR) Guide and an opportunity for stakeholders to provide feedback and ask questions.
- Draft RSR Guide (548.41 KB)
- RSR Webinar Presentation (442.57 KB)
- RSR webinar Q&As (160.28 KB)
- RSR webinar
APHIS eFile Training Webinar
On April 5 through April 12, 2021, APHIS hosted a series of webinar trainings on our new APHIS eFile system. These trainings were designed to support applicants’ transition to APHIS eFile. Four training topics were available, including an Introduction to APHIS eFile, Submitting Permit Applications, Post Submission Activities, and Compliance. Learn more about APHIS eFile.
2020 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On Wednesday, December 9, 2020 BRS held its annual stakeholder meeting. The meeting is open to all, and is held annually to foster transparency and engagement in the BRS program. BRS provided information on our ongoing efforts to implement the new Sustainable, Ecological, Consistent, Uniform, Responsible, Efficient (SECURE) biotechnology regulations; a look back at FY 2020 and look ahead to our FY 2021 priorities that support protecting plant health through the regulation of organisms developed using genetic engineering.
- Agenda (80.95 KB)
- 2020 BRS Numbers Handout (313.6 KB)
- 2020 APHIS eFile Update Handout (587.9 KB)
- 2020 Stakeholder Meeting Presentation (751.94 KB)
- 2020 Stakeholder Meeting Transcript (322.25 KB)
Confirmation Process Meetings
On June 24 and August 5, 2020, APHIS hosted technical webinars to assist developers with submitting requests to confirm that plants meet established criteria for regulatory exemption. APHIS reviewed the confirmation of exemption process and provided stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions.
2019 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On December 5, 2019, USDA APHIS' Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) held its annual Stakeholder Meeting. The meeting is open to all, and is held annually to foster transparency and engagement in the BRS program. BRS provided information on past year activities and a look forward to FY 2020; including updates on the proposed 340 SECURE rule for biotechnology regulations, eFile, and compliance, regulatory, and policy activities. BRS also introduced our new Deputy Administrator, Bernadette Juarez.
- Agenda and Handouts (1.06 MB)
- Presentation (4.22 MB)
- Transcript (292.06 KB)
BRS BQMS Foundations Workshop
On September 30, 2019, APHIS' Biotechnology Regulatory Services held a Biotechnology Quality Management Support (BQMS) Program webinar as part of its BQMS Foundations Workshop series. The workshop familiarized participants with the BQMS tools to enhance compliance with current biotechnology regulations at 7 CFR part 340 regarding the import, interstate movement, and environmental release of regulated GE organisms.
2018 BRS Stakeholder Meeting
On November 7, 2018, BRS held its annual Stakeholder Meeting. BRS hosted two sessions; the morning session provided information on current BRS activities, including information on modern biotechnology techniques and the afternoon session consisted of a demonstration of our new APHIS eFile permitting system that will replace our current ePermits system in 2019.
- Handouts (558.21 KB)
- Presentation (6.87 MB)
- Transcript (477.18 KB)
BQMS and Volunteer Monitoring Information Webinar
On Thursday September 20, 2018, APHIS’ Biotechnology Quality Management Support (BQMS) program hosted a webinar on monitoring for volunteers as part of its “Building Upward” webinar series. The webinar provided details and supporting examples on the relationship between volunteer monitoring activities and compliance with APHIS’ biotechnology regulations.
BQMS and Confidential Business Information Webinar
On March 29, 2018 APHIS’ Biotechnology Quality Management Support Program hosted an interactive webinar to enhance understanding of Confidential Business Information (CBI). APHIS' BRS provided a brief overview of the BQMS Program and described the fundamentals of claiming CBI when submitting documents such as permit applications, petitions for non-regulated status, notifications, and “Am I Regulated?” inquiries.
- Presentation (1.28 MB)
Updates to Supplemental Permit Conditions Webinar
On March 8, 2018, USDA APHIS Biotechnology Regulatory Services held a webinar to familiarize participants with changes to standard supplemental conditions for permits authorized under the biotechnology regulations at 7 CFR part 340 regarding the import, interstate movement, and environmental release of regulated GE organisms. The changes are part of efforts to ensure clear, consistent, and enforceable requirements in authorized biotechnology permits that protect the ability of American agricultural producers to prosper.
- Supplemental Permit Conditions Update Overview (138.12 KB)
- Presentation (519.27 KB)