Don’t Pack A Pest Program
The Don’t Pack a Pest (DPAP) traveler education and outreach program, is an international, multi-agency initiative designed to raise public awareness about the risks associated with travelers unintentionally transporting pests and diseases, by carrying agricultural and food items in their luggage when they travel.
Travel between the Caribbean and the United States is expected to rise sharply when impacts from COVID-19 decrease. Pre-Pandemic, approximately 12.5 million visitors traveled between the U.S. and the Caribbean annually.As the volume of travel between the United States and the Caribbean – and from one Caribbean country to another – increases, so does the possibility that an unsuspecting traveler could unknowingly bring a serious threat to agriculture and natural resources.
In 2014, the DPAP program was presented to the Caribbean Plant Health Directors, at their annual meeting. As a result, the membership voted unanimously to implement the DPAP program in each of the 32 member countries. Since then, APHIS has expanded the DPAP program in the Greater Caribbean Region, which now has 17 partner countries representing 10 countries with active DPAP programs, 7 countries in various stages of program implementation, and DPAP program signage in 4 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Passenger Pre-Clearance Areas (Oranjestad, Aruba; Freeport and Nassau, The Bahamas; and Hamilton, Bermuda.

There are approximately 600 Don’t Pack a Pest signs in 42 Greater Caribbean Region ports of entry. This rivals the number of signs in the Continental United States where they reach almost 85% of international travelers.

Before your next international trip, whether it’s to the Greater Caribbean Region, or not, get the latest Don’t Pack a Pest program information at where you can access resources like “Can I Bring It?”, information on Declarations, Travel Links, and more!
For more information on the Don’t Pack a Pest program, please contact GCSI Director, Dennis Martin at