Applying for Authorization in Additional States
If you wish to be authorized to perform accredited duties in States other than the State in which you were first accredited, complete VS Form 1-36A for each additional State and submit the application to the NVAP Coordinator of the State for which you're applying. Please read the instructions thoroughly before completing this application. Either electronic or hand signatures are acceptable. You may submit your application via:
- password-protected email as a pdf document with electronic or hand signature
- paper via USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc., or
- Fax
You are required to be licensed or legally able to practice in each additional State where you seek authorization to perform accredited duties. You may be required to attend a State-specific orientation program that covers animal health issues for each State in which you seek authorization. The accredited veterinarian must receive a letter of authorization from the Area Veterinarian in Charge before accredited.
State Specific Orientation Requirements by State and District Newsletters
NVAP Coordinators
NVAP Coordinators are available to assist you with obtaining, maintaining, and updating your accreditation. As an accredited veterinarian, it is your duty to notify APHIS when your home or business contact information changes, one of your veterinary licenses expires or otherwise lapses, or you need to become authorized to perform accredited duties in an additional state. NVAP Coordinators are available for assistance with these needs or anything else related to your accreditation.
Export requirements frequently change. Obtain current export requirements for live animals or animal products before each shipment.