Export Animal Products to Estonia
This country is a member state of the European Union. In addition to any commodity-specific information listed on this page, the European Union has harmonized requirements for certain animal-origin products. Visit Export Animal Products to the European Union to learn more about harmonized protocols.
Language Requirement for Certificates
Estonia will generally accept English language certificates that are not bilingual. In rare cases, if a BIP official that reads English is not available at the time of presentation, there may be a slight delay in release of shipments when the certificate is not bilingual in both English and Estonian.
Determining Which Certification Requirements Apply
Exporters should always have their importers confirm BEFORE shipment that the consignment will be allowed entry with only the documentation accompanying the consignment. If there is any doubt about European Union or Country requirements a consignment will fall, or when requirements are not listed, the U.S. exporter should have this country's importer email the pertinent border inspection post (BIP) through which the consignment will enter the importing country. The email should include a description of the proposed import, including the animal-origin contents and the intended use of the material in the importing country. The BIP will respond to the importer in writing. The U.S. exporter should then obtain that response from the importer and provide it and a translation of it (including the original email question) to their local VS Field Operations Veterinary Export Trade Services.
BIP Country Contact
Need Help Exporting Animal Products?
If you have any questions or concerns about the procedures and requirements for exporting animal products, or to obtain a zoosanitary certificate for an animal product, contact the APHIS Veterinary Services office covering the area from which the product will be exported, the area in which your office is located, or the area in which the product is manufactured.
Certificate Endorsement or Export Questions
For animal product export certificate endorsement or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Animal products: endorsement or question" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.
Facility Inspections or Questions
For animal product export facility inspection requests or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Facility Inspection" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.