Export Animal Products to Spain

Last Modified: April 10, 2024

This country is a member state of the European Union. In addition to any commodity-specific information listed on this page, the European Union has harmonized requirements for certain animal-origin products. Visit Export Animal Products to the European Union to learn more about harmonized protocols.   

Language Requirement for Certificates

Spain generally requires certificates for consignments from the United States to be in both English and Spanish. [Some border inspection posts (BIPs) may be willing to accept English certificates without official translations- exporters should have their importers confirm with the BIP prior to shipment if English certificates are acceptable.] In cases where the BIP requires the certificate to be in Spanish, the importer can obtain an "official" translation of English certificates from any licensed translation service in Spain. A list of licensed translators is available on Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. After APHIS endorses the English version, the U.S. exporter can send the certificate via a courier service to the importer who can then have the translation service attach the Spanish translation prior to presentation to the Spanish BIP when the consignment arrives. If the importer has questions about whether a particular translation service in Spain is licensed, they should check with the pertinent BIP. Alternatively, the exporter can work with their importer to create a truly bilingual version of the certificate prior to presentation to APHIS for endorsement.

Commodity Specific Information

Cell Lines 

Spain does not require Regulation 142/2011 certification for cell lines*. This means that these materials do not generally have to come from facilities approved under Regulation 142/2011. Exporters should have their Spanish importers apply to Spanish authorities for an import permit. That permit should not require any APHIS facility approval or certification. *This does not include lines used to clone actual animals. (July 2012) 

Fish baits

Spain does not require APHIS certification for fishing baits. The exporting facility does not need to be approved by APHIS or listed in TRACES. The consignment must be accompanied by an importer declaration, the “DECLARACIÓN PARA LA IMPORTACIÓN EN ESPAÑA DE CEBOS DE PESCA / DECLARATION FOR THE IMPORT INTO SPAIN OF FISHING BAITS” signed by the Spanish importer. (November 2012)

Game trophies of wild game other than ungulates or birds

The below certificates may not be used for game trophies of ungulates or birds. Similarly they may not be used for game trophies that have been subjected to a complete taxidermy treatment (finished game trophies).


  • Game trophies of ungulates or birds; or 
  • Game trophies that have been subjected to a complete taxidermy treatment (finished game trophies).

Prior to being eligible for endorsement of the HEALTH CERTIFICATE FOR THE IMPORT OF NON-UNGULATES AND NON-BIRDS WILD GAME TROPHIES INTO SPAIN the pertinent facility must have been inspected by APHIS within the previous 365 days to verify the certificate content. Approval under Regulation (EU) 142/2011 is not equivalent.

In addition, for the certification of untreated game trophies consisting of entire parts, documentation must be available to verify the location of the State where the source animal was killed. The VS Area Office may have to consult with the office of the State Veterinarian to confirm some of the certificate criteria prior to endorsement. (January 2012)

Game trophies consisting only of treated (dried or salted) hides/skins:

Game trophies consisting only of treated (boiled and disinfected) bones, claws, and/or teeth (59.08 KB) - January 2012

Consignments containing both treated (dried or salted) hides/skins and bones/claws/teeth:

Game trophies consisting of entire parts not having been treated (59.12 KB) - January 2012

Peritoneal fluid and derivatives (10.78 KB) July 2012

Primate (non-human) materials (10.6 KB) July 2012

Rodent-origin materials (7.26 KB) for purposes other than consumption July 2012

Skins-reptile (119.57 KB) (other than fully tanned skins or skins dried at 18ºC during two days at 55% humidity) - February 2020

Used Cooking Oil (115.38 KB) (also known as yellow grease) for the production of biodiesel importer declaration - This importer declaration is to be signed by the importer in Spain. APHIS does not countersign or otherwise endorse this importer declaration or other documentation related to these exports. July 2012.

Held Shipments


Need Help Exporting Animal Products?

If you have any questions or concerns about the procedures and requirements for exporting animal products, or to obtain a zoosanitary certificate for an animal product, contact the APHIS Veterinary Services office covering the area from which the product will be exported, the area in which your office is located, or the area in which the product is manufactured.

Certificate Endorsement or Export Questions

For animal product export certificate endorsement or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Animal products: endorsement or question" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.

Facility Inspections or Questions

For animal product export facility inspection requests or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Facility Inspection" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.