Serbia - Treated Blood Products of Livestock Not Including Equidae Animals
General Information (74.49 KB) - December 2017
Please select the appropriate certificate below (the appropriate line-outs) based upon the species of origin and treatment method.
Blood products from Artiodactyla, Perrissodactyla, Proboscidea Animals (Includes Ruminants)
These versions should not be utilized for consignments, containing only fetal bovine serum and/or the derivatives of fetal bovine serum, unless other blood products are also included in the production of the certified materials.
- Heat treatment (65C for 3 hours)
Dispatch (457.02 KB) - December 2017 - Irradiation
Dispatch (457.1 KB) - December 2017 - pH treatment
Dispatch (444.94 KB) - December 2017 - Heat treatment (80C)
Dispatch (457.28 KB) - December 2017
Fetal bovine serum and derivatives of fetal bovine serum
These versions may be used only for consignments, containing only fetal bovine serum and/or the derivatives of fetal bovine serum. No other animal origin materials may be included in the production of the certified materials.
- Heat treatment (65C for 3 hours)
Dispatch (457.43 KB) - December 2017 - Irradiation
Dispatch (444.84 KB) - December 2017 - pH treatment
Dispatch (457.22 KB) - December 2017 - Heat treatment (80C)
Dispatch (457.22 KB) - December 2017
Blood products from Suidae/Tayassuidae Animals (includes Pigs)
- Heat treatment (65C for 3 hours)
Dispatch (457.08 KB) - December 2017 - Irradiation
Dispatch (457.02 KB) - December 2017 - Heat treatment (80C)
Dispatch (456.99 KB) - December 2017
Blood products from Avian Animals
- Heat treatment (65C for 3 hours)
Dispatch (456.08 KB) - December 2017 - Irradiation
Dispatch (457 KB) - December 2017 - Heat treatment (70C)
Dispatch (456.95 KB) - December 2017
The below versions should be utilized when one or more of the following is true. To utilize these versions, the inappropriate text must be lined out prior to endorsement. The text must be lined-out consistent with the pertinent versions above. For example, sections II.3-II.4 must be lined out as noted in the above versions in all these cases.
1- Blood products derived from two or more of the following groups of animals are certified on the same certificate:
- Artiodactyla, Perrissodactyla, Proboscidea Animals (Includes Ruminants);
- Suidae/Tayassuidae Animals (includes Pigs);
- Avian Animals
2- Blood products treated in different ways (e.g. some products are processed using heat treatment, and others with irradiation) are certified on the same certificate
3- Consignments only transiting or being stored in Serbia
4- Blood products shipped in bulk containers (when the inner most packaging of the blood products is not new or sterilized bags or bottles): In the case of blood products that are shipped in bulk containers, the certificate should be lined out as noted in the versions above, except Section II.8 should be lined out as follows:
II.8. Производи су:/
The products were:
(2)или[запаковани у нове и стерилисане вреће или боце,]/
(2)either [packed in new or sterilised bags or bottles,]
(2)или[транспортовани у расутом стању у контејнерима или другим транспортним средствима који су пре употребе темељно очишћени и дезинфиковани дезинфекционим средством које је одобрио надлежни орган;] и/
(2)or [transported in bulk in containers or other means of transport that were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with a disinfectant approved by the competent authority before use;] and
спољашње стране паковања или контејнери имају налепнице са натписом ‘НИЈЕ ЗА ИСХРАНУ ЉУДИ ИЛИ ЖИВОТИЊА’;
the outer packaging or containers bear labels indicating ‘NOT FOR HUMAN OR ANIMAL CONSUMPTION’;