Canada - Bovine Liver Powder

Last Modified: June 10, 2024

Requests for Official Copies of the CFIA Questionnaire for US Bovine Liver Powder Facilities
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will not accept simple photocopies of the original CFIA Questionnaire for Bovine Liver Powder Facilities (Annex 4). If you need an official copy of a completed/endorsed questionnaire to provide to a new or additional Canadian importer, please request one from the VS Service Center that inspected your facility. Please be sure to provide the VS Service Center with the name and address of the facility and the date the original questionnaire was endorsed. The VS Service Center will provide an official copy of the questionnaire, together with a standard cover letter stating “The attached CFIA Facility Questionnaire for Export of Bovine Liver Powder from the United States to Canada (Annex 4) is an exact copy of the original issued by this office.” [No additional information can be included in this letter.]