Sheep and Goat Identification

Last Modified: August 19, 2024

The National Scrapie Eradication Program is providing up to 100 plastic flock ID tags free-of-charge to first time participants in the sheep and goat identification program until available funds are expended. Producers will need to purchase the compatible applicator from the tag manufacturer.

APHIS is working with sheep and goat organizations to encourage the use of electronic identification to improve our Nation’s ability to quickly trace exposed and diseased animals in the event of an outbreak. 

We discontinued the availability of no-cost metal tags for producers on August 31, 2019. Dealers and markets may continue to receive metal serial tags at no cost until the available funds are expended.  Flock ID tag numbers are the producer’s flock ID assigned by APHIS or the State followed by an individual animal number. Metal serial tag numbers have the State postal abbreviation, two letters followed by four numbers.  Plastic serial tags have the State postal abbreviation, a letter and a number in either order, followed by four numbers.


By Phone

To request official sheep and goat tags, a flock or premises ID, or both, call 1-866-USDA-Tag (866-873-2824). 

1-866-USDA-TAG has a telephone tree that will gather information to route you to the correct APHIS Veterinary Services (VS) or State office to answer your questions about sheep and goat identification. Learn more about using the telephone tree.

Directly From Approved Tag Manufacturers

Producers and others who handle sheep or goats in commerce who need additional tags or want a different type or color of tag may purchase official plastic, metal, or radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags directly from approved tag manufacturers. A flock or premises ID is required to order tags from these sources. A national premises ID is also required to purchase official 840 RFID tags or implantable devices.

For those who use the APHIS-provided tags, please note that you will need to purchase a compatible applicator.

The companies listed below are approved. These eartags and devices are approved for the official identification of sheep and goats in interstate commerce. There are restrictions on the use of implantable devices; refer to page 55 of the National Scrapie Eradication Program Standards (1.46 MB).

SFCP tags may only be purchased by owners of flocks participating in the Scrapie-Free Flock Certification Program. Regular program tags may be purchased by any producer who has a flock or premises ID.

Approved Companies

Use the dropdown menu to look up approved companies by tag type.

TitleTypeDescriptionOther Versions
Animal ID and Recordkeeping for Sheep and Goats (PDF) (192.84 KB)  FactsheetOverview of Federal regulations for animal identification and recordkeepingNot applicable
Example Owner/Hauler Statement for Sheep and Goats (PDF) (165.17 KB)Form/TemplateRequired documentation for sheep and goats moving through interstate commerceAfrikaans (144.61 KB)
Arabic (176.56 KB)
Portuguese (141.01 KB)
Spanish (143.2 KB)
Turkish (207.62 KB)
Attention Sheep and Goat Owners! (PDF) (9.77 MB)PosterSummarizes key information about identification requirements and how to obtain scrapie tagsAfrikaans (16.29 MB)
Arabic (16.4 MB)
Farsi (16.42 MB)
Portuguese (8.02 MB)
Spanish (16.58 MB)
Turkish (16.37 MB)
Federal Sheep and Goat Official Identification Decision Tree for Animals in Interstate Commerce (PDF) (87.62 KB)Decision TreeSupplemental visual to help animal owners and others understand the Federal regulations for sheep and goat identificationAfrikaans (45.21 KB)
Arabic (109.44 KB)
Farsi (117.78 KB)
Portuguese (73.75 KB)
Spanish (73.17 KB)
Turkish (68.01 KB)
Finish the Fight Against Scrapie (PDF) (625.76 KB)FlyerOutreach handout for slaughter facilities and producers about submitting scrapie samplesArabic (1.23 MB)
Chinese (316.94 KB)
Farsi (1.23 MB)
Hindi (871.47 KB)
Portuguese (685.79 KB)
Turkish (614.62 KB)
Vietnamese (651.27 KB)
National Scrapie Eradication Program (NSEP) and the Importance of Sheep and Goat Traceability (YouTube)VideoSummarizes the history of the NSEP and the Federal requirementsNot applicable
National Scrapie Eradication Program Standards (PDF) (1.46 MB)Final RuleCooperative procedures and standards adopted by APHIS and consistent States for eradicating classical scrapie from the United StatesNot applicable
Sheep & Goat Official ID Basics (PDF) (82.85 KB)FlowchartSupplemental chart to help animal owners and others understand the Federal regulations for sheep and goat identificationNot applicable
What's New in Goat ID? (PDF) (4.5 MB)FlyerOutreach handout from the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) that helps goat owners and others understand the Federal regulationsLow resolution for email (2.77 MB)
What's New in Sheep ID? (PDF) (1.92 MB)FlyerOutreach handout from the NIAA that helps sheep owners and others understand the Federal regulationsLow resolution for email (1.38 MB)
Scrapie Final Rule & Revised NSEP Standards: Key Things Market Operators Need To Know (Powerpoint) (5.09 MB)PresentationPowerpoint presentation that gives key points to livestock market owners and producers on Federal requirementsPDF (132.13 KB)
Sheep and Goat Identification Requirements (Powerpoint) (18.46 MB)Presentation Powerpoint presentation from the NIAA that gives details about the Federal rule for sheep and goat identificationPDF (48.54 MB)
Official USDA Sheep and Goat Identification (PDF) (1.13 MB)ReportDescribes the quantity and number of orders for official identification distributed to or purchased by sheep and goat stakeholders from fiscal years 2008 to 2011Not applicable