Plant Health Contacts

Last Modified: February 03, 2025

State Plant Health Directors

Contact an APHIS plant health director to report a plant pest or disease in the State where you found it. Our plant health directors can also answer questions about pest management and eradication programs in your State and any restrictions on moving plants or plant products into your State or to another.

National Identification Services

Contact National Identification Services to reach a team of botanists, entomologists, and others with specialized plant health expertise. As the final taxonomic authority for APHIS' regulatory programs, this team can answer questions about pest and disease identifications, quarantine pests, pest action policies for ports of entry, and more.

National Identification Services Team

Phone: 301-851-2182

Select Agents

APHIS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention jointly manage the Federal Select Agent Program. APHIS regulates those agents that can cause disease in plants or animals.

Plant Protection Act Section 7721

APHIS distributes millions of dollars each year to support projects that help protect U.S. agriculture. Contact our program coordinators for questions about these projects, current funding opportunities, and how to apply.

For the Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program

Julie Van Meter

National Policy Manager, Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program

For the National Clean Plant Network:

Jennifer Nicholson

Coordinator, National Clean Plant Network