HRDG 4250 - Exit Surveys

Last Modified: April 01, 2024
Subchapter 4250
Exit Surveys 
Table of Contents

Issued 10/19 (replaces 08/19 and 04/99 versions)


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A web-based process has been developed for completing the exit survey online and to limit the use of the paper exit survey provided in the previous version of this Subchapter (04/99).

The exit survey was established to give employees the opportunity to communicate reasons for leaving, their perceptions of the work environment, and their overall satisfaction while working at AMS and APHIS. It will also serve as a tool to assist in analyzing trends and to help identify potential retention issues. Data obtained from employees leaving the organization provides information critical to:

  • Assess workplace deficiencies;
  • Enhance the work environment;
  • Improve employee retention; and,
  • Achieve a diverse workforce through workforce planning analysis.

Through this online survey, the Human Resources Division (HRD) collects the data. The answers to the survey will be kept completely confidential and no individual responses will be made available to anyone.


Exit surveys are to be given to separating employees. For this purpose, a separating employee is exclusively defined as:

  • An employee who is leaving voluntarily (retirement or resignation);
  • An employee who transfers either to another Federal agency or an agency/bureau within the Department;
  • An employee whose term or temporary appointment is ending; and,
  • An employee who is separated due to organizational change or reduction in force (RIF).

Employees outside of the categories defined above should not complete an exit survey.

Supervisors Responsibilities

Supervisors will:

  • Be responsible for notifying employees of the online exit survey at least one (1) week prior to departure;
  • Instruct departing employees to contact the Exit Survey Coordinator to obtain an exit survey link; and
  • Inform employees of the importance of data obtained from the online exit survey and ensure that all staff members are aware of the exit survey process.
Human Resources Responsibilities

Human Resources will:

  • Provide guidance on completing the exit survey;
  • Analyze survey data and provide survey results to appropriate agency officials;
  • Prepare and distribute quarterly and fiscal year end reports as necessary and appropriate; and,
  • Maintain confidentiality of exit survey data.
Civil Rights Offices Responsibilities

Civil Rights Offices will:

  • Use results of exit analyses as a factor to achieve a diverse workforce within applicable laws and to improve the work environment; and,
  • Provide interpretation and advice to agency management officials on how to address issues, comments and opinions provided by exiting employees.
Employees’ RoleDeparting employees are encouraged to complete the exit survey. Responses assist in developing trend analysis and evaluating overall employee retention issues.

In order to ensure that departing employees are notified of the exit survey, the following procedures will be utilized:

  • Supervisors or assigned designees will provide the Exit Survey Coordinator with the departing employee’s name, date of departure, and reason for departure;
  • The Exit Survey Coordinator will provide the departing employees with access to the link;
  • If the departing employee does not have internet capabilities he/she can request a hard copy by contacting the Exit Survey Coordinator at 202-799-7082 or by e-mail to, and return to the following address:

Attn: Human Resources Planning Branch
1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 1714-S
Washington, DC 20250

Contacts for Assistance

For more information on the Exit Survey process or use of the data, please contact:

Human Resources:Exit Survey Coordinator
(202) 799-7082
Civil Rights Representatives: 
AMSEqual Employment Specialist
(202) 720-1736
APHISDiversity & Inclusion Specialist
(301) 851-3137

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