NVAP Training Modules for Accreditation Renewal

Last Modified: December 02, 2024

NVAP Training Modules are available in the following formats:

  1. Lectures at upcoming veterinary conferences
  2. Online (as described below)


For accreditation renewal, carefully read the following:

  1. You must know your six- digit National Accreditation Number (NAN) to access each module Certificate of Completion. If you do not know your NAN, please contact your local NVAP Coordinator.
  2. You must retain your Certificate of Completion.
    • The information contained on the certificate will be needed for accreditation renewal when you submit your application.
    • Keep your Certificate of Completion forever. You may be requested to display your Certificate of Completion during periodic training audits.
    • At the conclusion of each module, be prepared to print your Certificate of Completion or save it in PDF format to a secure file.
  3. Category I Accredited Veterinarians must complete three units of AAST anytime within their 3-year renewal period to renew their accreditation. Similarly, Category II Accredited Veterinarians must complete six units of AAST anytime within their 3-year renewal period.
  4. Modules completed for previous accreditation renewals may be retaken in the current renewal period. 
  5. The accreditation renewal process is available at Veterinary Accreditation | Renewal Instructions. Do not submit copies or originals of any Certificate of Completion to APHIS. If you do not know your accreditation renewal date, please contact your NVAP Coordinator.
  6. NVAP strongly recommends you not postpone the renewal process until just before your accreditation expires. The database you access to take your APHIS-Approved Supplemental Training and retrieve your certificates of completion, as well as the database you access to apply for renewal of accreditation, may be unavailable at any time due to maintenance schedules or technical problems outside our control.
  7. Each module of AAST represents one unit of training and takes approximately 1 hour to complete. AAST may be completed free of charge by selecting the title of the Training Module links below.

Contact Us

NVAP Coordinators

NVAP Coordinators are available to assist you with obtaining, maintaining, and updating your accreditation. As an accredited veterinarian, it is your duty to notify APHIS when your home or business contact information changes, one of your veterinary licenses expires or otherwise lapses, or you need to become authorized to perform accredited duties in an additional state. NVAP Coordinators are available for assistance with these needs or anything else related to your accreditation.

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