Why Should I Become Accredited in the National Veterinary Accreditation Program?

Last Modified: March 20, 2024

The National Veterinary Accreditation Program (NVAP) gives accredited veterinarians) opportunities to assist USDA in carrying out programs designed to safeguard public and animal health.   

Most Important Benefits to the Accredited Veterinarian

  • Enhanced professional knowledge with up-to-date information on animal health and foreign animal diseases for all animals, food security, and regulatory issues
  • Continued acceptance of official work performed by AVs in international markets
  • Ability to choose level of accreditation program participation and tailor accredited activity to practice type
  • Notification of and ability to participate in State-Federal agricultural emergency response efforts
  • Ability to receive supplemental training without cost
  • Opportunity to be a local resource for USDA information in the media
  • Increased marketability of remunerative services to clients


  • Only AVs can prepare Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVIs) or "health papers," in most cases, so animals can move across State or international borders to participate, for example, in fairs and shows.
  • Only AVs may perform testing for government program diseases, such as brucellosis and tuberculosis. Becoming accredited allows you to do these tests and other disease control work for USDA.
  • In some States, only AVs can give rabies vaccines.
  • In the United States, AVs provide the front line in defending our country from emerging and foreign animal diseases.

Contact Us

NVAP Coordinators

NVAP Coordinators are available to assist you with obtaining, maintaining, and updating your accreditation. As an accredited veterinarian, it is your duty to notify APHIS when your home or business contact information changes, one of your veterinary licenses expires or otherwise lapses, or you need to become authorized to perform accredited duties in an additional state. NVAP Coordinators are available for assistance with these needs or anything else related to your accreditation.

Export requirements frequently change. Obtain current export requirements for live animals or animal products before each shipment.