
Last Modified: Enero 22, 2025

APHIS is made up of 6 programs, 4 management support units, and 1 office that supports government-wide initiatives. We have more than 8,000 employees stationed in 50 States, 4 Territories, and 35 countries.

Operational Program Units

Determines and promotes standards of humane care and treatment of animals through inspections and educational efforts.

Protects agricultural and natural resources by ensuring safe development of genetically engineered organisms using a science-based regulatory framework.

Provides international animal and plant health expertise to safeguard American agricultural health and promote U.S. agricultural trade.

Safeguards agriculture and natural resources from risks associated with the entry, establishment, or spread of pests and noxious weeds.

Protects and improves the health, quality, and marketability of our nation's animals, animal products, and veterinary biologics by preventing, controlling, and/or eliminating animal diseases, and monitoring, and promoting animal health and productivity.

Provides leadership to resolve wildlife conflicts and create a balance allowing people and wildlife to peacefully coexist.

Management Support Units


Office of Civil Rights

Our Office of Civil Rights provides leadership, direction, and technical support to all employees and external service recipients on Civil Rights matters.