European Union - Wool and Hair

Last Modified: April 29, 2024

No APHIS certification is required for the import of hair/wool into the EU.

I. Fully treated hair/wool

Fully treated hair/wool is defined by the EU as wool/hair which has:

  1. undergone factory washing;
  2. been obtained from tanning;
  3. been treated by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain [note- this definition is subject to interpretation by the border inspection post (BIP) through which the consignment will enter the EU. In most cases, if the wool/hair is not covered by a,b,d, or e, it is going to be considered “untreated” by the BIP.];
  4. been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, and has undergone factory-washing consisting of the immersion of the wool/hair in series of baths of water, soap and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide; or
  5. been produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, and is being dispatched directly to a plant producing derived products from wool/hair for the textile industry and has undergone at least one of the following treatments:
    1. chemical depilation by means of slaked lime or sodium sulphide;
    2. fumigation in formaldehyde in a hermetically sealed chamber for at least 24 hours;
    3. industrial scouring which consists of the immersion of wool/hair in a water-soluble detergent held at 60–70°C;
    4. storage, which may include the journey time, at 37°C for eight days, 18°C for 28 days or 4°C for 120 days.

No documentation from APHIS is required or available for exports of these materials. The exporter should have their importer confirm in advance with the Border Inspection Post (BIP) through which the product will enter the EU that the hair/wool is considered fully treated. The importer should also confirm in advance that the BIP understands that the exporting facility does not need to be listed in TRACES nor approved by APHIS. Further, in some cases, the importer may be required to submit commercial documentation to the BIP.

For more information on any known requirements for commercial documentation, please go back to and select the country in which the BIP is located.

II. Hair/Wool other than “fully treated hair/wool”

If the hair/wool is not “fully treated,” there is still no APHIS consignment certification required (or available). However, the Regulation 142/2011 as amended “Chapter 21 Model declaration by the importer of untreated wool and hair referred to in Article 25(2)(e) for import to the European Union” signed by only the importer in the EU is required. Further, the untreated hair/wool must be shipped from a U.S. facility that has been approved by APHIS Veterinary Services to ship untreated hair/wool to the EU. These facilities must be listed in Section III of TRACES.

  • Importer declaration - Chapter 21 "Model declaration by the importer of untreated wool and hair referred to in Article 25(2)(e) for import to the European Union" - November 2012
  • Additional guidance for untreated wool and hair materials collected outside of North America - December 2012