European Union: Blood Products Intended for Livestock Feed-Chapter 4(B)

Last Modified: March 17, 2024

Chapter 4(B) Health Certificate for blood products intended for livestock feed 

Facilities must be approved by APHIS for this certificate prior to endorsement of the certificate.   Please contact your VS Field Operations Veterinary Export Trade Services for details on how to request required approval and certificate.

Please note that this certificate addresses only requirements for entry into the European Union (EU).  The EU has additional prohibitions on the feeding of certain types of blood products to certain species of animals.  Exporters should have their importers confirm with local government officials in the importing country prior to shipment that the product can legally be utilized as intended.  Ruminant-origin blood products may not be utilized in the EU for feeding to livestock, other than fur-bearing animals (animals raised not for food for human consumption, but only for their fur/pelts). All blood products may not be fed to ruminant animals in the EU.

Extra documentation required for certificates for blood products intended for livestock animals other than fur-bearing animals:  

The certificate states:

“The person responsible for the load referred to in Box I.6 must ensure that, if the blood products described in this health certificate are intended to be used for the production of feed for non-ruminant farmed animals, other than fur animals, the consignment must be analysed, in accordance with the methods set out in Annex VI to Regulation (EC) No 152/2009, in order to verify the absence of unauthorised constituents of animal origin. The information on the result of such analysis must be attached to this health certificate when presenting the consignment at a border inspection post of the European Union.” 

For consignments of materials intended for the feeding of livestock (other than fur-bearing animals), the exporter must attach these laboratory reports demonstrating the absence of ruminant-origin materials to the shipment documentation accompanying the shipment.  These laboratory reports do not become part of the certificate endorsed by APHIS and will not be printed by APHIS on VS Security Paper. 

Select the appropriate version of the certificate based upon the source materials.

Bullets I through III are for products shipped in new or sterilized bags.  For products shipped in other containers, please see bullet IV.

  1. Bovine, ovine, or caprine origin

    Materials of ruminant-origin are not eligible for export on this certificate.
  2. Porcine-origin (and intended for feeding to porcine animals)
    1. For feeding to porcine animals
    2. For feeding to non-ruminant farmed animals, other than fur animals
    3. For fur bearing animals, pets, or non-farm animals
  3. Derived from Terrestrial animals other than ruminants or porcine animals
    1. Not intended For feeding to farmed animals, other than fur animals
    2. Intended for feeding of non-ruminant farmed animals, other than fur animals
  4. Other
    These versions should be utilized when the line-outs in the above versions are not appropriate. To utilize these versions, the inappropriate text must be lined out prior to endorsement.
