Export Animal Products to Italy

Last Modified: April 22, 2024

This country is a member state of the European Union. In addition to any commodity-specific information listed on this page, the European Union has harmonized requirements for certain animal-origin products. Visit Export Animal Products to the European Union to learn more about harmonized protocols.   

Language Requirement for Certificates

EU harmonized certificates (all certificates located in English under the European Union general information file) must be in both English and Italian if the border control post (BCP) [called the "border inspection post (BIP)" on some certificates] listed on the certificate for entry into the EU is located in Italy. Exporters should not present these certificates to APHIS for endorsement unless they are prepared with all text in both English and Italian. Exporters should work with their importers to create the bilingual versions. The use of "English language only" is valid but ONLY for harmonized HCs for animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption covered by Annex XV of Regulation 142/2011.

Note: If a consignment is entering the EU through Italy but destined for a different EU country, that country may also require a third language to be included.

Commodity Specific Information

Italian animal health authorities (11.19 KB) - information on confirming which certificate is required prior to shipment - June 2012

Abomasums and derivatives (11.56 KB) (including “rennets”) for the production of materials for human consumption (and other similar ruminant-origin materials) - June 2012

Cell Lines (from livestock species) (11.78 KB) - January 2016

Fishing baits (11.25 KB) - June 2012

Game trophies (11.6 KB) of animals other than ungulates or birds - June 2012


Intermediate products (11.54 KB) (information on how to determine if a particular consignment may be exported to Italy as an "intermediate product") June 2012

Peritoneal fluid and derivatives (11.14 KB) - June 2012

Rennets/Rennin - see “Abomasums and derivatives”

Samples (research and diagnostic) (17.18 KB) from animals other than livestock species or primates - October 2015

Samples (research and diagnostic) from livestock species (Not including samples embedded on slides or suspended in formaldehyde or alcohol - nor any samples from rodents, fish, pets, or non-human primates)

Samples (research and diagnostic) from non-human primates

Specified risk material (SRM) certification to accompany the "Veterinary Certificate for raw material in production of gelatin/collagen intended for human consumption" for consignments to Italy

  • General information - The below certificate is required by Italy to be the last pages of the "Veterinary Certificate for raw material in the production of gelatin intended for human consumption" and the "Veterinary Certificate for raw material in the production of collagen intended for human consumption." It should be the last pages of those certificates. For more information on those certificates, please see the European Union page.
  • Specified Risk Materials Certificate (47.23 KB) Supplemental Pages for Certificates for Raw Material for the Production of Gelatin/Collagen for Human Consumption - October 2011

Used cooking oil (11.07 KB) (also known as yellow grease) intended for the manufacture of biodiesel - June 2012

Yellow grease - see "Used cooking oil (also known as yellow grease) intended for the manufacture of biodiesel"

Need Help Exporting Animal Products?

If you have any questions or concerns about the procedures and requirements for exporting animal products, or to obtain a zoosanitary certificate for an animal product, contact the APHIS Veterinary Services office covering the area from which the product will be exported, the area in which your office is located, or the area in which the product is manufactured.

Certificate Endorsement or Export Questions

For animal product export certificate endorsement or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Animal products: endorsement or question" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.

Facility Inspections or Questions

For animal product export facility inspection requests or questions, select your State or Territory to email the appropriate office and include "Facility Inspection" plus your State or Territory's name in the subject line. Note: Offices may serve multiple States and Territories.