European Union - Unprocessed Animal By-Products for the Manufacture of Petfood - Chapter 3(F)

Last Modified: November 22, 2024

Please be certain follow the “Guidelines for Preparation of Regulation (EU) 142/2011 Export Certificates” and other relevant information on the previous page when preparing this certificate for submission to your Veterinary Services service center for evaluation for endorsement.

This certificate may not be utilized for any of the following materials (nor their derivatives):

  • Blood,
  • Milk,
  • Hides/skins,
  • Hooves,
  • Horns,
  • Pig bristles, nor
  • Feathers.

This certificate also may not be utilized for materials derived from the carcasses of any animals (other than fish, rodents, lagomorphs, or invertebrates) slaughtered outside the United States.  This certificate requires materials derived from the carcasses of any animals (other than fish, rodents, lagomorphs, or invertebrates) to be derived from the carcasses of animals slaughtered in the exporting country, that were in the exporting country for at least three months prior to slaughter (or since birth in the case of animals less than three months of age at slaughter).

“Manufacture of petfood” is pre-selected in Section I.25 of the below pdfs.  In almost all cases where this certificate may be utilized, this is the appropriate selection for Section I.25.  However, in rare cases, this pre-selection may need to be modified when the certificate is prepared for submission to the local VS office for evaluation for endorsement.  If the importing facility in the EU (or the first facility to utilize the exported materials) is not a facility manufacturing actual petfood, but instead is manufacturing an ingredient to be supplied to a different facility for the production of a pet food, e.g. a coating that will be sent to a different facility for the manufacture of petfood, some EU border inspection posts (BIPs) may instead expect to have “Further process” selected.  In cases where the materials listed in Section I.28 of the certificate will be processed into a “petfood ingredient” in the EU before being shipped to a facility manufacturing actual petfood, the exporter should have their importer confirm with the relevant BIP prior to shipment which selection they require for the given scenario in Section I.25.   

Please select the appropriate certificate below based upon the animal-origin ingredients included in the by-products.  For these purposes:

  • In the bullet descriptions below, “Meat” refers to any carcass parts (or derivatives of any carcass parts) of animals (other than birds, fish, rodents, lagomorphs [excluding those that passed FSIS ante-mortem inspection], or invertebrates); and
  • Bullets I through VIII are for shipments for import into the EU.  [Bullet IX contains the certificates that should be utilized for shipments transiting the EU and in other cases where the certificates in bullets I through VIII are not appropriate.]
  1. By-Products Derived from the Carcasses of Poultry (Birds):   The Chapter 3(F) is not endorsable for poultry derivatives from HPAI Banned Areas (917.85 KB) or ND Banned Areas (300.64 KB).
    The following certificate is for by-products derived from carcasses of birds [from areas other than HPAI Banned Areas (917.85 KB) or ND Banned Areasslaughtered in the United States  after passing FSIS ante-mortem slaughter inspection: [This version may not be utilized for materials derived from eggs nor any non-avian animal-origin materials.]

    Pdf (258.82 KB) - March 2022
  2. Fish
    Pdf (259.13 KB) - March 2022
  3. Egg
    Pdf (259.41 KB) - March 2022
  4. Terrestrial and/or Aquatic Invertebrates
     Pdf - March 2022
  5. Rodents and/or Lagomorphs:  By-Products Derived from the Carcasses of Rodents and/or Lagomorphs that were not subjected to FSIS Inspection for Human Consumption.
     [For materials derived from the carcasses of lagomorphs that were subjected to FSIS Ante-mortem Inspection, please see Section VIII below.]
    Pdf (250.33 KB) - April 2022
  6.  Bovine, Ovine, and/or Caprine Ingredients
    These options may also be used for materials containing both: (1) “meat” derived from bovine, ovine, and/or caprine animals; and also (2) “meat” derived from the carcasses of other species of animals (excluding birds)
    1. Meat
      Pdf (258.76 KB) - March 2022
    2. Fish and Meat
      Pdf (258.82 KB) - March 2022
  7. Ruminants other than bovine, caprine, and/or ovine animals
    These options may also be used for materials derived from the carcasses of other species of animals (excluding birds), as long as: (1) the product contains at least one ingredient derived from ruminants other than bovine, caprine, or ovine animals, and (2) the product does not contain any ingredients derived from avian, bovine, caprine, and/or ovine animals.
    1. Meat and/or other organs from terrestrial animals
      Pdf (259 KB) - March 2022
    2. Fish and Meat
      Pdf (258.99 KB) - March 2022
  8. Materials derived from the carcasses of animals (other than ruminants or birds or invertebrates) that had passed ante-mortem inspection for human  consumption (and where applicable, fish.
    1. Meat
      Pdf (259.18 KB) - March 2022
    2. Fish and Meat
      Pdf (259.18 KB) - March 2022
  9. Other Dispatch Shipments and Transit Shipments
    These versions should be utilized when the line-outs in the above versions are not appropriate. To utilize these versions, the inappropriate text must be lined out prior to endorsement.
    1. Dispatch (other): Materials derived from the Carcasses of Poultry (Birds)
      Pdf (256.42 KB) - March 2022
    2. Dispatch (other): Materials other than those derived from the Carcasses of Poultry (Birds)
      Pdf (256.41 KB) - March 2022
    3. Transit EU - Materials derived from the Carcasses of Poultry (Birds)
      Pdf (258.47 KB) - March 2022
    4. Transit EU - Materials other than those derived from the Carcasses of Poultry (Birds)
      Pdf (258.47 KB) - March 2022