Operational Activities: Protecting Livestock From Predators

Predators, such as coyotes, wolves, foxes, mountain lions, grizzlies, and eagles, play vital roles in our ecosystems. Their presence among people creates opportunities and challenges. Predators may provide recreational benefits via observation and photography; however, they may also pose challenges for ranching operations.
Integrated solutions to address livestock predation may include modifications of animal husbandry practices and habitat, population management, and novel approaches developed through research.
For detailed information about the biology and ecology of predators, as well as predation management information for various predator species, view the handbook entitled, “Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage”. The handbook has chapters on coyotes, mountain lions, red fox, bobcat, grizzlies, black bears, eagles, feral dogs, and many other species.
Predators are killing my livestock. What are my options?
We recommend that you consult with the Wildlife Services office in your State. You can also reach a State office by calling toll free 1-866-4USDA-WS (1-866-487-3297).
Predation Management Options
Livestock producers that use an integrated predator management program, consisting of nonlethal and lethal techniques, are most effective at reducing livestock loss. Husbandry practices and other actions taken by producers can limit the impacts of predation.
WS works in partnership with agencies, organizations, and individuals around the Nation to protect livestock from predation. Much of WS' operational management assistance to producers is supported by funds provided by States, counties, producers, and others, in addition to federally appropriated dollars.
Science-Based Solutions to Predator Livestock Conflicts
The WS National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) conducts research and investigational activities on a wide variety of wildlife damage issues. NWRC scientists at the NWRC Scientists at the Logan, Utah Field Station focus much of their efforts on predator ecology and livestock protection management methods. Ecological research, including population and predator-prey modeling and studies about predator interactions with prey and other predators, has also been conducted by NWRC.
NWRC support of predation management includes significant resources devoted to maintaining existing tools as well as the development of new methods. Current programs include investigations of chemical reproductive inhibitors, development and testing of alternative mechanical capture methods, and projects that evaluate nonlethal methods.
Gray Wolf Management
WS partners with State wildlife agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to conduct wolf damage management programs, including the investigation of injured and dead livestock, the capture and radio-collaring of wolves for research and other information-gathering purposes, and the direct removal of depredating wolves to resolve conflicts.
- Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains
- Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes
- Mexican Gray Wolves in the Southwest