Sample Denial Letter
Sample denial letter due to leave usage order:
SUBJECT: Restoration of Annual Leave - (employee's name here)
This responds to your request for the restoration of hours of annual leave for
(insert employee's name). It is with regret that I must inform you that your request is denied as explained below.
Agency policy, found in the Human Resources Desk Guide, Subchapter 4630, Section B - Annual Leave, Subsection e - Restoring Annual Leave, explains the instances when annual leave cannot be restored. It states in pertinent part that, "Forfeited annual leave cannot be restored if: It was forfeited because compensatory hours were used. This means that throughout the year, employees should deplete use/lose annual leave first, before using any compensatory time."
A leave audit revealed that (insert employee's name) used
(insert number of hours used) hours of compensatory time during pay periods (insert the pay periods and leave year). Based on the above policy, the annual leave may not be restored. However, (insert "his" or "her")T&As may be corrected to reflect (insert number of hours) hours of annual leave used instead of compensatory time. The (insert number of hours) hours of compensatory time may then be recredited to (insert "his" or "her") compensatory time account or paid out, as appropriate. Once the corrections have been made, another leave audit should be prepared to ensure accurate accounting. Questions concerning any corrections to the webTA system may be addressed to your servicing Leave and Compensation Team specialist, MRP Business Services-Human Resources Operations.
Please distribute the enclosed copies as indicated. If you have any questions concerning this letter, please feel free to contact me on (insert phone number).
MRPBS-HRO-LCT, Minneapolis, MN