Great Britain - Treated Game Trophies [GBHC136X; EU Chapter 6(A) equivalent]

Last Modified: March 27, 2024

Treated game trophies and other preparations of birds and ungulates, consisting only bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins [6(A) Equivalent]

To be eligible for this certificate, a facility must be listed for [and the materials must meet the requirements of] the Regulation 142/2011 as amended “CHAPTER 6(A) Health certificate For treated game trophies and other preparations of birds and ungulates, being solely bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth, hides or skins, for dispatch to or for transit through the European Union”.

Please contact your Veterinary Services service center (103.86 KB) for details on how to request required listings and certificates.

Please select the appropriate certificate below based upon the animal-origin ingredients and, for hides/skins, the processing method.

In section I.28 of the certificate, for “Nature of commodity” enter one or more of the following as appropriate: , , , , , , or .

In section I.28 of the certificate, for "Species (Scientific name)": enter one or more of the following terms as appropriate: AVES, EQUIDAE, TAPIRIDAE, RHINOCERTITIDAE, ANTILOCAPARIDAE, BOVIDAE, CAMELIDAE, CERVIDAE, GIRAFFIDAE, HIPPOPOTAMINDAE, MOSCHIDAE SUIDAE, TAYASSUIDAE, TRAGULIDAE, or ELEPHANTIDAE.

  1. Bones, Horns, Hooves, Claws, Antlers, and/or Teeth Only
    Pdf  (204.22 KB)- May 2022
  2. Hides/Skins Only
    1. Dried
      Pdf (203.15 KB) - May 2022
    2. Salted for 14 days prior to shipment
      Pdf (203.24 KB) - May 2022 
    3. Salted for 14 days including time of shipment
      Pdf (203.24 KB) - May 2022
  3. Both (A) Hides/Skins and (B) Bones, Horns, Hooves, Claws, Antlers, and/or Teeth
    1. With Dried Hides/Skins
      Pdf (202.63 KB) - May 2022
    2. With Hides/Skins Salted for 14 days prior to shipment
      Pdf (202.66 KB) - May 2022
    3. With Hides/Skins Salted for 14 days including time of shipment
      Pdf (204.43 KB) - May 2022
  4. Other 
    This version should be utilized when the line-outs in the above versions are not appropriate.