STLC ISS Submission Guidance

Last Modified: April 04, 2024

Individual Study Summary (ISS) Submission Guidance

  1. Submit ISSs for previously accepted studies as they are available. See the single tier implementation timeline (96.42 KB) for current goals for completion.
    • Co-submit an electronic copy of the historical study report if it was originally submitted as paper copy. This will help the CVB expand its collection of digitized key documents.
    • If known, also provide the submission date and CVB mail log number of the original study.
    • Include a copy of the CVB acceptance letter if it is readily available, but latitude is given for letters that would be problematic to locate.
  2. Submit ISSs for new studies after the study report has been accepted.
  3. Please submit ISSs electronically, preferably using the NCAH Portal. For non-portal users, provide the submission electronically on a CD, DVD, memory stick or other similar device. As a reminder, the device will remain with the CVB and will not be returned to the firm.
    Complete APHIS Form 2049 and include the Microsoft Word document of the ISS and additional related reports/letters as applicable. Use the following values on APHIS Form 2049 to clearly identify the submissions:
    • Submission Type = Historical Study Summary
    • Product Codes: Enter all current product codes to which the study applies. Due to acquisitions, mergers, and the subsequent licensure of related products, the codes may differ from those originally associated with the study. Justify the addition/substitution of codes that were not associated with the original study report.
    • Brief Description: Indicate whether the submission is a full ISS or only a placeholder and other relevant information for the study.
    • Attachment type (NCAH Portal users only): Use Draft Individual Summary to upload the ISS. Use Incoming Document (Core) for any other co-submitted documents. Add the study identifier to the report or the Draft Individual Summary.
  4. ISSs will be reviewed for acceptable format, clarity, and consistency by the Single-Tier Implementation Team. The Team is a small group of reviewers who have developed expertise in ISSs. If any major revisions are needed, the CVB will maintain transparency with the submitter to generate an acceptable ISS.
  5. Once the ISS is cleared for publication, the cleared version will be converted by the CVB to PDF, and a copy will be provided to the submitter for the firm’s files. Firms will be given two weeks to contact the CVB at if issues with the cleared ISS are noted. This ISS may then appear in a Product Compilation Summary (PCS) for any applicable product.

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