NVAP Reference Guide: Interstate Regulations

Last Modified: March 20, 2024

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Animal Movement

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Interstate regulations provide for quarantine, restriction of movement, maintenance of sanitation, and identification of animals to prevent the spread of animal disease. Accredited veterinarians certify livestock, birds, and poultry for intrastate and interstate transportation according to the regulations in Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations (9 CFR). Individual States provide certificates of veterinary inspection that are available from the State animal health official. 

Interstate transportation of animals (including poultry) and animal products must conform to the requirements in 9 CFR, chapter 1, subchapter C, parts 70 through 89. Most States have additional animal-entry requirements. These requirements, as well as intrastate transportation regulations, can be obtained from the appropriate State animal health official.

To facilitate the movement of livestock and poultry and to prevent the spread of disease, you as an accredited veterinarian are responsible for becoming familiar with the appropriate State and Federal movement regulations. You should inspect and or examine animals or poultry according to these regulations and any additional instructions given by your State animal health official or VS Area Office and provide a complete and legible certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI). 

The following sections summarize pertinent areas of 9 CFR and State requirements. Because the regulations are subject to change, this information should be verified. (See appendix B for contacts in the State of destination.) An entry permit may also be required from the State of destination. 

Diseased Animals and Poultry

Interstate movement of diseased animals and poultry is generally prohibited, 9 CFR Part 71.3.

  1. Animals or poultry affected with any of the following diseases endemic to the United States shall not be moved to another State except as provided for in the CFR: equine babesiosis (piroplasmosis), bovine piroplasmosis or splenetic fever, scabies in cattle, acute swine erysipelas, tuberculosis, Johne’s disease, brucellosis, scrapie, bluetongue, anthrax, psittacosis or ornithosis, poultry disease caused by Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis, and Newcastle disease, or any other communicable disease that is endemic to the United States. Also, animals that are infested with the Boophilus tick are not to move interstate.
  2. Animals or poultry affected with any of the following diseases not known to exist in the United States shall not be moved interstate: foot-and-mouth disease, hog cholera (classical swine fever), rinderpest, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, European fowl pest, dourine, vesicular exanthema, screwworm, glanders, scabies in sheep, or any other communicable disease exotic to the United States.